Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Richland Carrousel Park helps trigger 30 years of economic redevelopment in Mansfield

    A community effort in Mansfield, Ohio, helped ensure the success of the Fourth and Main Street Area Urban Renewal Plan to revive the deserted downtown. The center of the plan was creating a park complete with a carousel, but it also included adding parking, demolishing vacant buildings, and cracking down on illegal activities in the area.

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  • Virginia project helps low-income homeowners ditch fossil fuels

    Two organizations partnered to help eight low-income households convert their homes to become all-electric in Virginia. It entailed replacing fossil-fuel based heating and cooling systems like stoves and water coolers with electric ones. Some of the households saw a reduction in their utility bills. Organizers estimate that over the course of 20 years the changes will result in the households avoiding the emission of over 2 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

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  • The Struggle of Ending Open Defecation in Adadama, Cross River State

    A community-led sanitation approach ended the practice of open defecation, a major cause of water pollution and stomach diseases. The program educated people to change social norms and laws requiring every household to own a toilet and punishing those who defecated in the river with a substantial fine were critical to its effectiveness. The community drove the program, with widespread adoption made easier by the benefits like fewer flies and less stomach illnesses. Low budget toilets, requiring only labor to dig a hole and resources available in the bush, were constructed so that everyone could afford it.

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  • Undocumented crime victims who assist police are often denied help in getting visa

    Congress created the U visa program in 2000 to encourage undocumented immigrants to report crimes to the police and cooperate with investigations and prosecutions. The visa legalizes an immigrant's status, if certified by a law enforcement agency and approved by the federal government. Some police departments, like Whitehall, Ohio's, routinely reject requests for certification because they want to avoid entanglements in immigration matters, or simply because they are anti-immigrant. No national rules require agencies to comply with the system, though some states do.

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  • Isla San Lucas: la hija que vuelve a cobrar fuerza

    Una ley transformó una isla en el Golfo de Nicoya de Costa Rica en parque nacional, afectando la manera en que se administra y protege este espacio histórico. El artículo explora cómo este cambio geopolítico ha mejorado el área protegida y organizado su relación con las comunidades aledañas.

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  • Seattle will invest $30 million in strategies recommended by panel for communities of color

    The Equitable Communities Initiative brought together representatives from a range of nonprofits serving people of color to make recommendations for investments that support communities of color. Each panelist brought distinct work and life experiences that informed their recommendations for 18 kinds of investments. The city has approved the $30 million budget to address long-standing disparities in the areas of business, education, health, and housing. The model relied on advocates with on-the-ground knowledge of community needs to take the lead, while city staffers provided logistic and technical support.

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  • PA cities have a sewer-system problem. Green infrastructure can help — but comes with its own risks

    In many cities, rainwater is drained through "grey infrastructure" things like pipes, streets, etc. In some cities, this system is combined with the sewage system. Rainwater drains into the sewage system, is then cleaned, then emptied into the river. However, with strong storms some sewage systems overflow. A problem that will worsen with climate change. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, rain gardens are one solution to overflowing sewage systems. Cities like Harrisburg are turning to green infrastructure, things like rain gardens, roofs with gardens, and parks, to ease the burden on gray infrastructure.

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  • Suomija migrantų srautą sustabdė dvišaliu susitarimu su Rusija: ar galėtume tokiu pavyzdžiu sekti ir mes?

    Neteisėtai sieną kertančių migrantų srautą, atkeliavusį iš Rusijos pusės, 2015 m. patyrusi Suomija rado būdą suvaldyti situaciją - srautas išseko, o migrantų apgyvendinimo bei integracijos politika pradėta įgyvendinti bendradarbiaujant su nevyriausybinėmis organizacijomis ir vietos bendruomenėmis. Taip pat aukščiausiu lygiu komunikuota su Rusija. Neteisėtos migracijos srautas Suomijoje buvo panašus kaip 2021 m. Lietuvoje - kokią patirtį galėtume perimti?

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  • Giving Mother Nature a Hand

    Cervene Pecky and Dolany, two small towns in Prague, were able to fix their flooding problems through a process known as land consolidation. Prior to the land consolidation, the towns would get flooded by rainwater. Through land consolidation, property owners are able to redraw property lines. Thanks to the consolidation, the field that emptied into Dolany is now covered in grass, trees, and ditches.

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  • Building a Just Energy Future in Michigan

    After the 2008 economic recession hit, Carla Walker-Miller shifted her energy services business model to not only supply electrical equipment but also implement energy efficiency programs for communities of color in Detroit. She has been able to service 75 households, which has resulted in energy bill savings up to $600 a year for families. The company also has a robust recruitment and training program for young people and those experiencing economic hardship.

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