Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Could A Ward Map Drawn By Citizens, Instead Of Aldermen, Become A Reality In Chicago?

    California residents passed Proposition 11, a redistricting reform ballot initiative, in 2008 and in 2010, voters strengthened that reform by passing a bill to allow an independent commission to redraw state and congressional lines. Fourteen people, who were selected from 30,000 applicants, spent a year holding public hearings across the state to make informed decisions on how to fairly redraw district maps. As a result, more than a dozen Congressional incumbents lost their seats, which was not an intentional outcome but rather what resulted from decisions made based on the public testimony they heard.

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  • Briuselio tikslas – nė vienos mirties keliuose: nuo metų pradžios kone visame mieste greitis 30 km/val.

    Drastiškas leidžiamo maksimalaus automobilių eismo greičio sumažinimas iki 30 km/h Briuselyje panašu, kad jau duoda rezultatų - per pirmąjį ketvirtį fiksuota net penktadaliu mažiau eismo įvykių. Didžioji dalis eismo įvykių, įskaitant ir tragiškų pasibaigiančių, įvyksta dėl pasirinkto nesaugaus greičio, dėl to eismo lėtinimas padeda sumažinti jų skaičių. Ar tai būtų tinkamas sprendimas ir Lietuvai?

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  • Can we keep lumber out of the landfill?

    Pollution caused by demolition is expected to be 2.2 billion tons by 2021. However, up to 75 percent of materials in a demolition can be recycled. An alternative method to demolition is deconstruction or unbuilding. The method always for lumber and other materials that are recyclable to be salvaged. Cities like Vancouver that have passed ordinances encouraging recycling saw results. One company, "Unbuilders," that specializes in deconstruction shows that using methods like tax receipts and appraisals can lead to both profit and better results for the environment.

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  • Criminal justice changes in Virginia prompt debate over how prosecutors are funded by the state

    Fairfax County, Virginia, boasts the state's most ambitious program to divert cases from criminal prosecution to treatment courts, including for drug offenses and involving veterans. But all of the work by prosecutors to deliver a more therapeutic form of justice ends up penalizing the county under the state's formula for funding of prosecutor offices, which rewards felony convictions. Because the true workload isn't reflected in the funding, Fairfax has faced staffing shortage, leading to conflicts with the police over inaction on certain cases. The state has begun a lengthy study of the issue.

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  • How Taiwan held off Covid-19, until it didn't

    Throughout 2020, Taiwanese society largely remained open and the country had 7 COVID-19 deaths. Taiwan’s 2003 experience with SARS set up an existing infrastructure to act quickly, including a centralized information command center that coordinated activities across government and health offices. Personal data was used to assign each citizen a risk level. Low-risk people were required to wear free masks, but could go about business as normal. High-risk people and all in-bound travelers were required to strictly quarantine for two weeks and the government used cell phone data to ensure compliance.

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  • How Bogotá's Waste Pickers Reinvented Their Jobs for a Modern City

    In Colombia, there are about 50,000 waste pickers, they collect and sort through trash to findrecyclabless to make a living. Their livelihood was threatened in the 1990s after Colombia adopted neoliberal policies that privatized trash collection. However, in 2016 the government officially recognized wastepickers as recycling service providers under a decree. That same year, the government introduced a "second payment," that supplement the income of waste pickers. Coupled, these two policies have improved the livelihood of wastepickers.

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  • In Borno, fuel-efficient stoves keep women out of danger

    Borno State, a state in north-eastern Nigeria, is one of the most terrorized states in north-eastern Nigeria. When women go out to fetch firewood to burn their stoves they risk their livelihood. They can be abducted or raped. To help, the Food and Agriculture Organization launched the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Project, 50,000 women have received fuel-efficient stoves. The stoves are produced in three regional centers by locals and with locally sourced raw materials like mud and clay.

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  • How a Kansas City neighborhood is transforming its dangerous and abandoned buildings

    A neighborhood association is renovating dilapidated and neglected houses into livable homes that have transformed the look and feel of neighborhoods in Kansas City. The Lykins Neighborhood Association is able to assume ownership over houses slated for demolition by using Missouri’s Abandoned Housing act. “The result: A neglected house becomes a livable home.”

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  • Heritage and Survival: two sides of the same coin for conflict-torn Iraq

    The Nahrein Network funds projects that strengthen Iraq’s cultural and heritage infrastructure. Many grantees have deep historical knowledge of cultural preservation but haven’t been able to access funding due to sanctions, international isolation, and civil war. The funded projects’ approach to cultural preservation must be rooted in local socio-economic interests and the Network provides mentoring and helps in other ways, like supporting visiting scholarships abroad. The Network’s solutions focus on a long-term relationship building as a way to push for an inclusive post-conflict cultural environments.

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  • Welcome to Marshall County: Rural, red and at the top in Kansas for COVID-19 vaccination

    The vaccination rate of Marshall County is six percentage points higher than the state overall, a success that is built on an existing infrastructure of public health and trust-building that predates the pandemic. The county made a detailed plan for the vaccine rollout well before vaccines arrived and residents trust the health department because it provides 90% of the population with routine immunizations. The health department also works one-on-one with residents to answer vaccine questions, which is a more effective way of combating misinformation than a generalized outreach campaign.

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