Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Brno pomáhá integraci cizinců. Jak funguje oceňovaný projekt, o němž se nemluví?

    Integrační centra jsou v Česku často podfinancovaná, nejsou dostupná všem potřebným a zaměřují se především na tlumočení. Brno přišlo se změnou. Tamní magistrát do své struktury přímo zakomponoval supinu interkulturních pracovníků, která pomáhá s integrací cizinců. Její členové vytváří pomyslný most mezi veřejnými institucemi a zástupci cizineckých komunit. Pracují jak v terénu v rámci komunit, tak prostřednictví sociálních sítí. Podporují začlenění imigrantů do společnosti tím, že jim pomáhají osvojit si místní sociální normy, a zároveň informují instituce o jejich potřebách.

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  • Cooperation and Chocolate: The Story of One Colombian Community's Quest for Peace

    Plagued by an internal war, a group of villages in Colombia created a “Peace Community,” declaring themselves neutral in the conflict and focusing their efforts on cultivating the 150 hectares of cacao trees in collectively owned plots to sell to global markets. While villagers still experience violence, the earnings from their crops go into a collective pot and the community decides together how to distribute the funds. “To them, this is actually a very profound act of transcending traditional capitalist society models and building something together,” says an anthropologist who has studied the community.

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  • An Algorithm Is Helping a Community Detect Lead Pipes

    BlueConduit, an analytics startup, applies statistical models to identify neighborhoods and households that might have lead pipes. The models include dozens of factors, such as the age of the home and proximity of other homes where lead has been found, to help predict likely locations of lead pipes and create a ranking by likelihood that cities can use to prioritize which pipes to examine. In Flint, MI, about 70% of the homes identified using the models had lead pipes, compared to about 15% of homes where excavations did not use the model. The company is working with organizations in dozens of other cities.

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  • Network Connects Indigenous Knowledges in the Arctic and U.S. Southwest

    The Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network (IFKN) connects Indigenous scholars, community members, and leaders from tribes in the Arctic and the U.S. Southwest to work together on achieving food sovereignty. By visiting each other’s lands, they share their traditional knowledge on farming practices and river restoration. Because of the network, they received a grant to study the effects of COVID-19 on food access for Indigenous communities. “We can learn from one another, teach each other, and also work together on finding different solutions,” said a member of the IFKN steering committee.

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  • This App Aims to Help SNAP Users Make the Most of Their Benefits

    A new app is helping communities facing food insecurity in California. Forage Grocery finds the best bargains for SNAP recipients in their local grocery stores. Users upload their grocery list, select the stores they would typically visit in person, and the app compares prices to provide shoppers with a grocery list that makes the most of their SNAP benefits. The app also includes links and ads to local food banks and other resources for food insecurity.

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  • Three countries have pulled far ahead of the rest of the world in distributing Covid-19 vaccines

    Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain have each "vaccinated a higher proportion of their populations than the rest of the world" due to strategies that included early approval of the vaccine, centralized and digitized health care data management, and cross-sector information campaigns. Although it's yet to be seen how these efforts will fare when the vaccine is released to the general public, they have proven to be successful for distribution to vulnerable people and communities.

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  • How Can Chicago Improve Procedures To Make Sure 311 Requests Are Really Completed? An Expert Has An Idea

    San Diego’s 311 program features a before-and-after-photo function which shows allows residents to hold their local 311 government service accountable. The date-stamped photographic proof allows users to see that their complaint has been thoroughly and properly handled. Chicago’s 311 system already features “top-notch” technology but could benefit from implementing the visual aspect to ensure solid results.

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  • The bold plan to save Africa's largest forest

    Under an innovative scheme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, indigenous communities are obtaining the legal right to own and manage the forests where they reside. This ownership has shown success in slowing deforestation of the Congo rainforest and creating new economic opportunities for residents in these villages. “Rather than just being an add-on, community forestry is now being considered as a mainstream model for forest management,” says a coordinator for the Rainforest Foundation UK.

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  • ‘Slow Streets' Disrupted City Planning. What Comes Next?

    When city planners rushed early in the pandemic to close streets to automobile traffic in order to give residents a safe space to roam outdoors, they ended up learning lessons entirely apart from their original goals rooted in public health and traffic safety. In Durham, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Oakland, community groups pushed back at the cities' initial failures to consider the opinions of communities of color whose neighborhoods were affected by the changes. The pushback led to collaborations and modified plans that redefined the problems at issue and the ways to address them.

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  • It Spied on Soviet Atomic Bombs. Now It's Solving Ecological Mysteries.

    Environmental scientists are using modern computing software to correct, orient, and analyze satellite images from the Corona spy project, launched in the 1960s and ’70s to monitor the Soviet military. The images have revealed human environmental impacts, challenged long-held assumptions, and helped predict future challenges. Within the last two years alone, the images have contributed to new information about climate change including rock glacier movements in Central Asia, shoreline changes in Saudi Arabia, and ice loss in Peru, helping scientists fill in knowledge gaps.

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