Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Powrót wilka

    Współpraca naukowców, organizacji pozarządowych, ekologów i rządu pozwoliła na przywrócenie naturze polskiego wilka, gatunku, który był na granicy wyginięcia. Metody takie, jak lokalizacje GPS i badania genetyczne pomogły politykom podejmować decyzje redukujące konflikty ludzi ze zwierzętami oraz zapewniające zwierzętom siedliska bez presji oddziaływania człowieka. W rezultacie tych działań populacja wilka w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich 50 lat wzrosła 50-krotnie.

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  • ‘Backpacks full of boulders': How one district is addressing the trauma undocumented children bring to school

    Prince George's County in Maryland ranks fourth in the country for the number of unaccompanied students with sponsors. Often, these students have experienced a lot of trauma by the time they arrive at school. School officials are using their budget to spend it on resources to help educators and undocumented students succeed academically by hiring trauma specialists, bilingual liaisons, and teacher aides. “The most important reason is it is morally, really spiritually, inappropriate to mistreat the children who come from these families and not give them equal opportunity.”

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  • ‘The Poetry Project': How young refugees in Germany are bridging the cultural gap with their voices

    The Poetry Project provides a platform for young refugees to create poetry, share their stories, and learn about German culture. The initiative started with weekly meetings for 7 young refugees to workshop poetry about the refugee experience, including leaving loved ones, why they left, and how they feel in their new home country. Their live performances have won prizes and their audiences respond emotionally. The group’s success allowed it to expand to more participants and reach a wider audience. The experience helped some participants integrate more smoothly into German society, where they have thrived.

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  • Experts say COVID-era investment in child care is a start, not a solution

    Since the pandemic, 50 childcare programs in New Hampshire shut down permanently. That’s because childcare centers receive payments based on attendance, not enrollment. To help, states like New Hampshire, and others, created an enrollment-based subsidy models, providing payments. “The enrollment-based subsidy payments have helped ensure that early educators can remain employed and continue receiving a paycheck.”

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  • Some NC rent relief recipients have no 'HOPE' of using money

    North Carolina's rent-relief program, Housing Opportunities and Prevention of Evictions (HOPE), has helped 3,000 families pay their rent and utilities. But the program's reach has been cut short by some landlords' refusal to accept the government aid because it comes with a required eviction ban and a cap on rent increases. The program pays up to six months' rent. Charlotte officials are debating a measure that would block landlords from discriminating based on the source of money used to pay rent.

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  • Give Us a Chance

    After a Housing First program in Brno, the Czech Republic's second-largest city, stabilized families' housing and health status, the city of Jihlava used local and European Union money, plus a charity's services, for a two-year pilot to provide subsidized apartments and social services to a dozen families. Nationwide, EU-supported Housing First projects have found housing for about 400 people in 16 cities. Though often opposed as a giveaway, the programs both longer-term and in the pilot phase have shown that after a family is housed, the resulting stability helps set them up to solve many other problems.

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  • Minority businesses: Wounded by COVID, but key to inclusive revival

    Efforts to support and financially help small businesses in Connecticut are being prioritized. In particular, Black and minority-owned businesses are typically most at-risk to fail and require the most help.

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  • Chimney Sweeps Attack Deadly Pollution Crisis

    After banning the burning of raw coal as a way to reduce air pollution in Mongolia, residents of Ulaanbaatar switched to refined charcoal to heat their homes. However, that coal also wasn’t the cleanest and contributed to hundreds suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. To fix that, the government teamed up with a private company to hire more than 1,600 people to clean and inspect people’s chimneys and stoves. While critics say the program doesn’t solve the country’s pollution problem, the service has provided jobs to those who didn’t have steady work and helped those who aren't able to clean their stoves.

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  • A grassroots push to save disappearing birds and bees forces change in Germany

    Environmental advocates got 1.75 million signatures to change Bavarian farming laws to protect biodiversity. The Save the Bees Campaign calls for using subsidies to nearly triple the amount of organic farming, creating a network of wildlife corridors, and other actions to protect bird and insect life. Initial results show that, since the law took effect, the share of organic farmland increased and thousands of more acres of forest have been protected. Farmers have also adjusted their view of productivity, including protecting nature as a way to be productive. Similar efforts are happening across Europe.

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  • Safety looks like full bellies in a pandemic Audio icon

    Mutual aid programs run by Black women have filled critical gaps in public assistance during the pandemic by feeding hundreds or thousands of people in multiple Southern cities. From Durham's Mustard Seed Project to St. Louis' Potbangerz to others, these community-based care programs center their aid on prepared meals, but they often add other donated goods for people in need: personal protective equipment, groceries, and household and baby items. In some cases, the nonprofits' organizers have formed intercity friendships and alliances that help spread their tactics.

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