Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Fans Without Football

    Europe’s hardcore football fans, deprived of the communal experience of watching their sport in raucous stadium crowds during the pandemic, redirected their energies toward public service projects to help communities cope with the virus. The oft-maligned “ultra” movement, blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak that became the epicenter of Europe’s virus crisis, has made hospital donations, collected food bank donations and delivered food to shut-ins, and made personal protective equipment. The philanthropy has spread across the continent to demonstrate the movement's ability to act responsibly.

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  • Community groups step in to provide immigrants COVID testing, relief

    To meet the financial needs of undocumented immigrants caught in the gap left by the federal CARES Act pandemic relief program, the advocacy group Aliento has distributed financial aid, educated workers about unemployment benefits, and conducted outreach to young people and families. Aid checks of $500 are aimed at helping cover rent, utilities, and health care costs for families in which layoffs, particularly in the construction and hospitality industries, have caused hardships.

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  • A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float

    Floating wind turbines off the coast of Portugal is one of the latest experiments to convert wind energy into electric power. These machines can generate electricity for a city of up to 60,000 people. While it will take more financing and time to scale the project, investors are impressed with the results and see it as a viable financial return to combat climate change.

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  • How Germany Saved Its Workforce From Unemployment While Spending Less Per Person Than the U.S.

    Germany's creative workshare approach to stemming unemployment has prevented mass layoffs, unlike rising numbers in the United States. The German government provides payroll subsidies which allow an employer to keep on its staff by cutting back hours for everyone. Unemployment funds that would usually go to those who are laid off are instead directed to employers' payrolls, preventing the inconvenience and uncertainty of layoffs and allowing workers to seamlessly return to work full time when the health crisis is under control.

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  • USDA Acts Fast To Help Schools Offer Families Take-Out, Grocery Money

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has effectively responded to the Covid-19 crisis by quickly helping existing programs provide food aid to families. School lunch programs rapidly moved from providing hot food to children who qualify to a to-go style menu for all children under 18 and offers grocery money to families who can’t pick up food. The USDA also expanded SNAP with increased monthly allowances and options for online shopping. There have been administrative difficulties coordinating aid so quickly that has caused delays to some families getting the food they need.

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  • Where Do We Grow From Here?

    In Montana, a group of professionals were brought together to collaborate on the pandemic recovery effort underway in Bozeman, with the economic development director at the helm. Known as the Bozeman Economic Recovery and Resiliency Team, the group is comprised of 25 members including business leaders, local and state government officials, education leadership, and representatives from tourism and childcare industries, among others. The group was formed at the outset of the pandemic to efficiently communicate constantly-shifting information, ascertain needs, and manage local recovery efforts.

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  • 'Stopgap' or life saver?: Italy's scheme to help the self-employed survive the coronavirus crisis

    The Italian government's attempt to assuage the financial fallout of the pandemic on small businesses, freelance workers, and the self-employed did not achieve the desired results despite the enormous size of the aid package: 25 billion euros. Delays, technical glitches, and language barriers for international workers have plagued the application process from the day it was launched and over half a million applications have yet to be processed. Italians also criticized the 600-euro amount which is the average rent in the country, often higher in some areas. The government has announced additional aid.

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  • Students on lockdown create a global guide to coronavirus conspiracy theories, fake cures, and other whopping lies

    Princeton University's Empirical Studies of Conflict Project launched a tracking effort to document COVID-19 disinformation worldwide. Created by a network of students tapping into fact-checking sites and other social media and internet sources, the data set taking shape (and, with more than 800 entries in its first three months, already accessible online) serves as a resource for researchers, historians, journalists, and the public in the battle against rumors, conspiracy theories, fake cures, propaganda, and other disinformation surrounding the pandemic.

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  • Japan's care sector protects quality of life for the country's elderly population

    Japan's model of prioritizing societal care for their elderly has helped the country achieve the highest life expectancy and be named the healthiest population in the world. Now amid the coronavirus pandemic, the country's senior citizen-focused policies and health care system are showing success in keeping the number of cases and deaths low in aging populations.

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  • How Big Tech is Reshaping the Power Grid

    As part of a deal with Facebook to build a data center in New Mexico, an electric utility is investing in renewable energy to power the center. Through power purchase agreements, which are contracts to buy renewable energy, the social media company is accelerating the state’s transition away from fossil fuels. These contracts often come with large tax breaks for companies, but Facebook will help finance $800 million worth of wind and solar installations that can generate 396 megawatts of power. These agreements can also be implemented in other states who are hardest-hit by the decline of coal consumption.

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