Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Por qué la solución tecnológica coreana es inviable ahora. Pero puede ser indispensable pronto

    Este artículo enumera y explica las medidas con las cuales Corea del Sur logró contener el COVID-19. Son basadas en trazabilidad y testeo en masa, pero se fundamentan en tecnología: sobre todo en apps digitales privadas que ayudan a saber dónde están los casos y sus contactos, y recomiendan rutas aisladas a los usuarios para recorrer las ciudades.

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  • Italy, Pandemic's New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

    In learning what could best work to contain the coronavirus, Italy is offering lessons to other countries in what has failed to work there. Dubbed the new "epicenter of a shifting pandemic" after reporting the highest death count, countries are learning that rapid and early intervention that is communicated clearly is a key component to slowing the spread.

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  • Understanding what works: How some countries are beating back the coronavirus

    As countries continue to try to contain the coronavirus pandemic, "non-pharmaceutical initiatives" are showing promise as a means to slow the spread. Countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan – all of which enacted travel restrictions, quarantine methods, and social distancing protocols early – have been able to slow the rate of transmission to some degree.

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  • Crowdsourcing to Fight a Pandemic

    To address those that have been specifically impacted by economic crash due to coronavirus and to slow the spread, cities across the United States are enacting comprehensive measures to help. From a halt on all utility shutoffs to releasing inmates who have nearly completed their sentences or are being held pretrial on cash bail, local governments across the nation are looking for ways to address how the pandemic is impacting the most vulnerable.

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  • How China and South Korea's battle with coronavirus offers glimmer of hope

    While some places such as the United Kingdom and London struggle to slow the spread of coronavirus, other countries such as China, South Korea, and Taiwan, have managed to contain the virus through fast-acting government regulations. Although each country's strategy looks different – China enacted a strict lock-down, while South Korea implemented widespread testing – they all acted rapidly to intervene.

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  • Is Taiwan's impressive response to COVID-19 possible in Canada?

    Although Taiwan and Canada saw the beginning of coronavirus outbreaks within days of each other, Taiwan has been able to better contain the spread. Using tactics such as integrating "its health insurance database with its immigration database" and using the military to help produce protective masks for medical workers, the Taiwanese government's aggressive approach offers lessons in how to use big data and regulations to stem the spread of infectious diseases.

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  • Inside the South Korean Labs Churning Out Coronavirus Tests

    After witnessing chaos during the MERS outbreak, South Korea immediately began implementing measures to avoid disaster should another public health crisis occur. Now, as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts much of the world, the country has been able to successfully deploy their new and improved emergency response system – which includes letting hospitals and medical professionals play a larger role – and their accelerated approval system, allowing tests to be created at a more efficient pace.

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  • Saving a city millions of gallons of water – one tap at a time

    As part of the Fix for Life campaign, members of Active Citizens Together for Sustainability (ACTS) have been working with plumbers to install taps on the free water pipes across Kolkata. Without taps, a significant amount of water goes to waste, and this is the problem that ACTS is trying to fix. The group, informed by locals who submit locations of pipes that need attention, are on their way to their goal of fixing 1,500 pipes.

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  • How the U.S. can defeat coronavirus: Heed Asia's lessons from past epidemics

    As much of Europe and the United States are still in the early stages of trying to contain the coronavirus, countries in Asia offer several lessons in mitigation strategies. Rapid government intervention and regulation helped to slow the spread in Taiwan while in South Korea, increased transparency and mass testing – made possible because the country opened the process to the private sector – have shown to have helped flatten the curve of transmission.

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  • A Pandemic And A Parade: What 1918 tells us about flattening the curve

    Enacting social distancing and mass closures of schools, businesses, and other industries during the times of virus outbreaks has been shown to slow the waves of infection, as first witnessed during the era of the Spanish Flu when one American city acted proactively while another did not. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, areas that began social distancing practices sooner are already reporting a flattened curve of cases, which helps hospitals avoid overcrowding.

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