Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 2 Years Ago, Kenya Set The World's Strictest Plastic Bag Ban. Did It Work?

    In 2017, Kenya implemented a plastic bag ban and to ensure it was followed, set hefty fines and even jail time for those who broke the law. The law has had an impact – streets are cleaner and the use of single-use plastic bags has reduced, but there is still work to be done. The replacement bags, reusable ones made from polypropylene, have come under scrutiny for their lack of quality, and Kenyan residents cite confusion and fear as a result of not knowing which bags are allowed and which are not.

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  • Making Yellow School Buses a Little More Green

    Public school districts are gradually transitioning to electric buses. Electric utilities, concerned about environmental impacts and overloading the grid, are helping to cover the high price tag.

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  • Students in the U.S. and Iraq Discover Common Ground

    A program that was inspired by rising racial tensions is helping students from Pennsylvania State University and the University of Mosul in Iraq erase misconceptions about each other’s cultures. Participants of the “World in Conversation Program,” gather for virtual conversations and talk about their issues, concerns, and daily life. The program is helping them dismantle stereotypes they might have of Arabs and Americans. “I want to show them who we really are, beyond the stereotypes in the media.”

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  • Pramila Bisoyi's journey from protecting India's national bird to the corridors of power

    Pramila Bisoyi, a Member of Parliament hailing from the Indian state of Odisha, has shown the power of women in protecting the environment. She has created and led multiple Women Self Help Groups, who work together to protect forests, plant trees, and encourage native peacocks to come back to the land, all in the hopes of creating a more sustainable future for their children.

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  • The Netherlands has universal health insurance — and it's all private

    Health care in the Netherlands relies heavily on the collaboration, cooperation, and shared responsibility between private markets and government regulations to achieve affordable, consistent, and quality care for patients. Although the system is not without its limitations, this process has helped the country avoid preventable deaths while also guaranting nearly all residents insurance.

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  • Are you pouring hundreds of dollars a year down the drain?

    The use of rain gardens and rain tanks - which capture rainwater runoff, clean the water, and reuse the water for plants and gardens - helps to reduce water waste and toxic runoff. One Australian man built a rain garden to cut back on his waste (and his water bill) and estimates that he has cut down water consumption in his house by one third.

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  • Providing a home for Europe's unaccompanied migrant children

    There are thousands of children caught in the midst of the migrant crisis, and many of them end up without their parents or with a relative. To avoid placing migrant children in facilities that would be unable to give them specialized care, people are stepping up to serve as foster parents for the time being. The foster parents support the children's emotional well being and sense of self, and now foster aunts—forming a relationship without taking over care—are also emerging. These initiatives help ease the process of starting over in a new place, especially for children.

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  • Construyendo un hogar para los niños migrantes

    Según datos de Unicef, más de 8.200 niños y niñas entraron a Europa entre enero y junio de 2019 a través de las fronteras de Grecia, Italia, Bulgaria o España. De ellos, el 34% viajaba solo o sin sus progenitores. La mayoría de estos menores ingresan a centros de acogida que no cuentan con personal y recursos suficientes para garantizar la atención individual que necesitan. En este contexto, la opción de acogerlos en familias voluntarias se ha convertido en una solución temporal para niños y niñas en situación de desamparo.

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  • Important lessons for Philadelphia from Chicago's three-year decline in gun violence

    Since 2016, Chicago has seen a 37% decrease in homicides with a comprehensive, targeted approach toward violence. The city developed a multi-pronged approach, including a collaboration between foundations and funders, a partnership that analyzed police decision-making, resource allocation toward a new gun-violence-focused prosecution unit, and targeted investment in high-risk individuals. With such success, cities like Philadelphia – also experiencing an increase in homicides – look to Chicago for lessons learned.

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  • How Educators Are Rethinking The Way They Teach Immigration History

    At one Boston public school, teachers are updating curricula to provide students with history lessons that contextualize current national debates about immigration policy.

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