Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Germany's coronavirus response is a master class in science communication

    To contain the spread of the coronavirus, Germany relied heavily on communication and information tactics that prioritized the voices of health and science officials. Although misinformation was still a problem for the country, the overall approach in enhancing scientific communication appears to have payed off given that country has one of the lowest mortality rates in Europe.

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  • South Korea's Key Weapon to Stop the Pandemic? Smartphones

    In South Korea, the government is using smartphone technology, including various independent apps and text messaging, to implement contact tracing. This has enabled the country's economy to avoid a full shutdown. Early results comparing South Korea to other countries shows that this digital strategy is just as successful as implementing complete lockdowns.

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  • Why Rwanda Is Doing Better Than Ohio When It Comes To Controlling COVID-19

    Rwanda, a country with the same population of Ohio, has emerged as an example of how to slow the spread of coronavirus, with only 1,500 cases reported so far. Besides initiating a lockdown, implementing free testing, and recruiting community health care workers, police, and college students to be contact tracers, officials also used "the same structure, same people, same infrastructure and laboratory diagnostics" that had been working to contain the spread of HIV.

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  • The US has a lot to learn from Taiwan's Covid fight

    When reports of a coronavirus were reported in China, officials in Taiwan wasted no time implementing a plan of action to control the spread within their own region. Having learned from the SARS outbreak of 2003, authorities were prepared to respond to a public health crisis and quickly implemented a transparent and coordinated effort that prioritized testing, contact tracing and isolation.

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  • How did New Zealand become Covid-19 free?

    When China first reported its first death from Covid-19 New Zealand made the proactive move to restrict entry to anyone coming from or through China. This coupled with an early lockdown and an effective communication plan helped the country to eliminate the virus.

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  • Voting justice group Common Power turns to tech in time of COVID to reimagine outreach

    Common Power has over 2,000 volunteers, mostly white retirees, who reach out to voters and lobby elected officials for things like widespread mail-in ballots. The small, racially diverse paid staff run many traditional voter engagement programs, such as phone banks and voter-registration drives. The organization also focuses on partnering with local organizations and provides extra capacity in the form of trained volunteers for campaigns in 20 states. All programming has become virtual due to the Covid-19 pandemic and substantial time has been spent training volunteers on the new technologies.

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  • 'Nip the virus in the bud': How Germany showed Europe the way on coronavirus testing

    Germany has implemented a variety of methods to contain the coronavirus, but their policy of "open public testing" has been a vital component of successfully slowing the spread of the virus. Although the policy was not in place from the start due to insurance limitations, once enacted, it allowed for asymptomatic people to be tested and has reportedly slowed outbreaks throughout the country.

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  • Why a small town in Washington is printing its own currency during the pandemic

    The town of Tenino, Washington has begun to print their own unique money during the coronavirus pandemic to both ward of the economic fallout and help those who are facing financial insecurity. Similar to efforts from the city's past as well as that of other small towns, the locally-printed wooden dollars can only be spent at local businesses and for basic needs, with the mayor explaining, "Amazon will not be accepting wooden dollars.”

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  • Dutch Cooperation Made an ‘Intelligent Lockdown' a Success

    The Netherlands approach of balancing the potential for future economic hardship with the current risk of Covid-19 spreading has appeared to have helped the country to flatten the curve of cases faster than other areas that implemented mandatory lockdown measures. Although critics of this "controlled distribution" approach point out that the country has still seen thousands of deaths and could see future waves of outbreaks, at this point in time, "the Netherlands has both flattened the curve and kept life tolerable."

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  • What We Can Learn From South Korea's Coronavirus Response

    Lessons learned from the outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2015 helped South Korea uniquely prepare a quick and effective response to the recent coronavirus outbreak. With several new strategies in place including contact tracing protocols and "laws clarifying the roles of national and local government, public health, and industry sectors in the event of another outbreak," the country was able to largely contain the virus faster than other countries which reported cases emerging at similar times.

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