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  • South Korea's Coronavirus Test Run: How to Hold an Election

    Extra sanitation and health screening precautions allowed South Korea to hold a national election during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mandatory face protection, rubber gloves, taking voters’ temperatures, and providing hand sanitizer and new gloves were some of the requirements at polling stations. Candidates also continued to campaign but took precautions such as face masks, gloves, and microphone covers. While the strictest social distancing was not followed, voters express feeling comfortable and officials say South Korea could provide a model to other countries on how to hold an election during the pandemic.

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  • How Greece is beating coronavirus despite a decade of debt

    Greece took a proactive approach to contain the coronavirus – screening people as they entered the country even before any confirmed cases had been reported and then quarantining anyone returning from Spain in hotel rooms – and it appears so far to be working. The country's approach, which as been lauded by many as "textbook crisis management," also leveraged the crisis "to enact long overdue digital reforms" that have helped to eliminate red tape and make processes more efficient.

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  • The City That Has Flattened the Coronavirus Curve

    Early data is showing that San Francisco's proactive and aggressive approach to containing the spread of COVID-19 is working. Once regarded as overly aggressive and premature, the mayor's decision to declare a state of emergency and ban gatherings of groups of more than 1,000 people prior to the confirmation of any cases in the area, is now emerging as a model for how to handle a public health crisis.

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  • How Europe manages to keep a lid on coronavirus unemployment while it spikes in the U.S.

    European countries like France and Germany have been able to keep their unemployment rates low because of pre-existing programs that have been called to action during COVID-19. In France, the government subsidizes up to 84% of wages to incentive companies not to lay their employees off. In Germany, their short-time work program pays up to two-thirds of employee pay. While not an inexpensive method, some say it could help their economies replenish quicker after the pandemic.

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  • The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response

    Having learned lessons from the 2015 MERS outbreak, South Korea was quick to implement both widespread testing and contact tracing at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although cases were only just beginning to be reported in the country, government officials were already working with bioengineers to create test kits in order to "prepare for the worst."

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  • Greece Shows How to Handle the Crisis

    The speed of the response matters in mitigating the public health impact of a pandemic. Greece, which acted to restrict non-essential movement faster than countries like Spain and Italy, has sufewera fewer cases of COVID-19. Alongside enacting containment policies only days after its first cases, Greece has been able to prepare its emergency medical system by recruiting additional doctors and staff.

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  • Sweden's government has tried a risky coronavirus strategy. It could backfire.

    Where government restrictions are lax, residents adopt social distancing measures voluntarily to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sweden, the trust between much of the country’s population and a public health system disinclined to advise for long-term shutdowns at the national level has left residents and businesses to enact social distancing and sheltering measures more gradually. In the long-term, there appears to be a relationship between Sweden’s relatively higher caseload and voluntary containment policies when compared to its neighbors.

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  • What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like

    The local government in Maricá, a small municipality in Brazil, is being said to have initiated "the most ambitious city-level response to COVID-19 in Brazil, and one of the most notable in the world." Even before the coronavirus spread, the city worked on the premise of mutual aid, which included a universal basic income and a solidarity economy. In the context of the coronavirus, these proactive policies are now emerging as examples of how a democratized economy can result in a region being better positioned to withstand a public health crisis.

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  • Strategies by Asian Nations to Stop COVID-19

    Several Asian nations have successfully slowed the spread of coronavirus and may now offer lessons for the U.S. and Europe. Although each took its own approach, commonalities included governmental oversight, early intervention in public policies and business, widespread testing, and information management.

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  • New Zealand isn't just flattening the curve. It's squashing it.

    New Zealand has managed to not just flatten the curve, but has shown signs of eliminating the coronavirus thanks to rapid interventions taken by the government. Heeding the outcomes in the U.S. and Italy, the country used a comprehensive and aggressive approach which included shutting their borders down to tourists, mandating a 4-week lockdown, and announcing a coronavirus response alert plan.

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