Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Singapore can teach the U.S. about responding to Covid-19

    When Singapore detected its first cases of COVID-19 in early February, the country topped world lists in terms of confirmed infections. But unlike other countries, Singapore never experienced an exponential increase in cases, thanks to extensive governmental preparation, widespread testing and case reporting, mandatory social distancing, and strong public health communications.

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  • Door County Emergency Support Coalition connecting those in need with those who can

    The Door County Emergency Support Coalition has emerged from the joining of multiple local entities to provide one source of COVID-19 support for residents. Services include shopping and delivering groceries, securing absentee ballots, and a drive-through voting system. The Coalition now has 300 volunteers and are looking to expand further to meet the needs of their neighbors.

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  • A region in Japan launched its own coronavirus fight. It's now called a ‘model' in local action.

    In Japan, the southwestern region of Kansai is less predicated by government oversight and relies more strongly on independence. In the Wakayama prefecture, that attitude has resulted in the region's leaders implementing an independent approach to battling the coronavirus outbreak. The approach, which utilizes widespread testing and contact tracing, is now being regarded by other regions as a model of success.

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  • Singapore's coronavirus playbook: How it fought back against the COVID-19 pandemic

    Initially, Singapore was one of the most impacted country by the spread of the coronavirus; however, with strict policy and early isolation, the city-state has managed to maintain a low infection rate. Early on in the outbreak, Singaporean officials designated "contact tracers" to diligently trace paths of infection, enabling tracers to pick out people who have been in contact with those affected and quickly isolate them.

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  • Phone booths, parades, and 10-minute test kits: How countries worldwide are fighting Covid-19

    Countries around the world have used different strategies to try to contain the coronavirus but some tactics are being lauded over others. Singapore, South Korea, and Senegal are a few of the countries that rapidly implemented strategies such as readily available and fast-acting testing as well as temperature check points at airports, schools and restaurants.

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  • Denmark's Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression

    The government of Denmark is taking drastic measures to stem the tide of economic depression already hitting parts of the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government told companies affected by the economic downturn that it would pay 75 percent of their employees’ salaries to avoid mass layoffs, with the price tag of 13 percent of the national economy in three months.

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  • Italy, Pandemic's New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

    In learning what could best work to contain the coronavirus, Italy is offering lessons to other countries in what has failed to work there. Dubbed the new "epicenter of a shifting pandemic" after reporting the highest death count, countries are learning that rapid and early intervention that is communicated clearly is a key component to slowing the spread.

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  • What can the West learn from Asia's coronavirus fight?

    As the West continues to battle the spread of coronavirus, countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan offer lessons in what's working to flatten the curve. Although some measures such as early intervention and social distancing are more difficult to implement after the spread has begun, other tactics such as contact tracing and clear communication also have proven impactful.

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  • South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against Covid-19 – and they worked

    As South Korea became aware of the enevetible spread of the coronavirus, the government was able to quickly act due to having an emergency plan in place from battling the SARS epidemic in 2003. This allowed for the testing to be conducted early on – and not just those exhibiting symptoms – and also activated a temporary provision that offered a subsidy to those that had to self-isolate.

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  • How Civic Technology Can Help Stop a Pandemic

    Taiwan has gone largely unscathed thus far by the coronavirus, showing that their methodology of relying on civic technology has merit to be a model for other countries. Through a combination of "community initiatives, hackathons, and digital deliberation" Taiwan has been able to utilize "broad digital participation and community-driven tool development," both democratically and efficiently.

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