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  • How this South Korean company created coronavirus test kits in three weeks

    South Korean molecular biotech company, Seegene, created, tested, and received approval for a COVID19 test kit in just three weeks. Using a supercomputer’s big data system and taking advantage of the Disease Control & Prevention’s newly expedited approval process, the company is now making 10,000 tests each week, costing just under $20 each.

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  • Singapore Wins Praise For Its COVID-19 Strategy. The U.S. Does Not

    As countries respond in different ways to the COVID19 pandemic, those with systematic government approaches have proven to be strongest thus far. Places like Hong Kong and Singapore created immediate systems for testing and quarantining, putting quick pressure on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. On the opposite end, places like Iran and the United States have fared worse because of a lack of immediate response and capacity for testing.

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  • Experts Credit South Korea's Extensive Testing For Curbing Coronavirus Spread

    South Korea has had an extremely effective response to the coronavirus because of its fast and widespread use of testing. There are now drive-through tests available where people recommended by their doctor can take a test from the safety of their vehicle. This decreases the chances of transmission and lowers the stress of both patient and doctor. As a result, the rate of increase has been slowing since February 29, 2020.

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  • How Taiwan is containing coronavirus – despite diplomatic isolation by China

    Struggling countries look to Taiwan as an example of how to respond to a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. Strategies that Taiwan uses include tracking of mandatory quarantines, border control, and its use of technology. They are now looking to expand testing even further.

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  • This chart of the 1918 Spanish flu shows why social distancing works Audio icon

    As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, social distancing is being implemented due to its proven success with helping to drastically slow the spread of the Spanish flu in St. Louis Missouri. In a comparison of St. Louis and Philadelphia – a city that did not institute social distancing practices – limiting the time in public spaces helped to keep per capita flu-related deaths in St. Louis "to less than half of those in Philadelphia."

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  • Mass testing, alerts and big fines: the strategies used in Asia to slow coronavirus

    As countries around the world work to slow the spread of coronavirus, several places including Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Macau have reported success from a handful of methods. Mass testing is a common factor throughout each, but financial incentives for self-quarantine, temperature checks at small businesses, and complimentary hand sanitizersr are a few other solutions that have shown promise.

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  • South Korea shows that democracies can succeed against the coronavirus

    While many countries are struggling to control the spread of the recent coronavirus outbreak, South Korea has reported a decline in daily caseloads due to their rapid and comprehensive response. By expanding testing sites to include drive-throughs, canceling events and implementing more thorough testing protocols in their international airport, the country has offered lessons for others who have not yet determined a course of action.

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  • How Taiwan and Singapore Have Contained the Coronavirus

    Compared to countries of similar size and stature, Taiwan and Singapore both had extremely effective responses to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus. Each faced their own unique set of circumstances, but they used common tactics, including stopping flights from China, rationing mask purchases, and proactively finding new cases along with quarantining current ones. Both countries' government officials also had effective and clear communications with themselves and the public.

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  • Is South Korea's approach to containing coronavirus a model for the rest of the world?

    In order to effectively manage the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea, government officials have stepped in by increasing transparency, subsidizing home medical equipment such as face masks, and rapidly distributing testing kits. The efforts have resulted in many more people already being tested than anticipated and behavioral changes taking effect within the population.

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