Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Comic Relief From COVID-19: Leaders Really Meme It When They Say Stay Home

    Some officials are using humor to urge citizens to follow Covid-19 directives like staying at home and social distancing. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot used memes shared under #whereslightfoot as inspiration for a public service announcement, where she uses humor to reinforce the city’s stay at home order. Other officials, such as the governors of New York, California, and Kentucky, have created humorous videos, engaged in playful banter, and enlisted the help of famous comedians to reach people. The response has been positive, but some critics worry that sarcasm can cause people to push back on the advice.

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  • Are We Firing Too Many People In The U.S.? Audio icon

    “Kurzarbeit” is a German governmental program that helps preserve jobs in an economic crisis. A company can reduce the hours of workers and the government will help pay them, which preserves the important specialized training invested in manufacturing jobs, helps workers get some pay, and reduces the reliance upon unemployment benefits that are comparable to those in the U.S. It worked in the 2008 recession, and it is working in the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.

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  • State Legislatures Scramble to Meet in the Age of Coronavirus

    Across the United States, local and state legislators are passing resolutions to make sure they can continue to serve their communities while keeping themselves safe from COVID-19. From convening in bigger spaces, like basketball arenas to allowing for voting from separate rooms or via video or teleconference, public servants are working to make sure they can continue to pass emergency legislation for their communities.

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  • Coronavirus: Is Bay Area social distancing lockdown working? Some see progress

    As California’s Bay Area is weeks into its shelter-in-place order – the first in the nation – experts are seeing indications that it’s working in the fight against COVID19, but at the same time needs to continue. Health officials are seeing signs that the increase of cases could be flattening, which was the goal of social distancing, and has been giving the area more time to prepare for a spike, which other experts say is inevitable. Either way, the stay-at-home mandate is helping reduce strain on the healthcare system.

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  • Bend it like the Bay Area: Doctors see flatter curve after 2 weeks of social isolation

    As the coronavirus outbreak began to show signs of spreading the United States, six counties in the Bay Area of California quickly instituted stay at home and shelter-in-place orders. Although the virus is still spreading in much of the country, the early and aggressive measures taken in this region are believed to have contributed to the lower-than-expected caseload reported by hospitals in these counties.

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  • Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore: Lessons for Canada in fighting Covid-19

    When faced with the coronavirus pandemic, a number of countries around the world "opted for delayed containment strategies," but countries such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, which took the opposite approach, have seen more success with mitigating the spread. The governments in these countries implemented many aggressive initiatives that were aimed at widespread testing, restricted travel, and contact tracing.

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  • Coronavirus Slowdown in Seattle Suggests Restrictions Are Working

    After learning of the first cases of coronavirus that weren't contracted by direct exposure or from foreign travel, officials in Washington took quick and strict measures to start introducing social distancing, which may have helped slow the transmission. Although the hospitals are low on supplies, they have not yet been "overrun," indicating that modeling and widespread testing, along with limiting human-to-human interactions and gatherings, were all beneficial parts of the strategy to slow the spread.

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  • What South Korea can teach Ireland about Covid-19 fight

    Countries such as Ireland are looking to South Korea for lessons about best practices in containing the coronavirus outbreak. Much of South Korea's success, shaped by lessons learned from battling the MERS outbreak in 2003, comes from implementing the national infectious diseases control act that "allows for the government to track people, and for the tracking information to be posted online."

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  • Germany Has Relatively Few Deaths From Coronavirus. Why?

    Although Germany has reported over 50,000 cases of coronavirus, the country is seeing a lesser death toll from the pandemic as compared to other countries. Like other countries working to contain the spread, Germany was quick to enact widespread testing a persistent contact tracing, but the country also implemented early measures to protect the more senior residents which has kept the infection rate low for this highly susceptible population.

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  • Photos: The Contradictory Flaw In The City's Underwhelming Open Streets Plan

    In an effort to prevent overcrowding in public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City has closed a few streets in four out of five boroughs. This density reduction plan, though, doesn’t seem to be getting put to use, and some say is just wasting city resources having police stationed at these closed streets.

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