Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As pandemic spreads, nonprofit is on a mission to clear out Twin Cities jails, one bail bond at a time

    The Minnesota Freedom Fund has ramped up its spending to pay bail for people with low-level charges. The COVID-19 threat has added urgency to this increasingly popular response to the cash bail system. With jails and prisons posing a great threat to inmates during a pandemic, there have been increased calls to release non-violent inmates to slow the spread and protect those experiencing incarceration.

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  • Photos: The Contradictory Flaw In The City's Underwhelming Open Streets Plan

    In an effort to prevent overcrowding in public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City has closed a few streets in four out of five boroughs. This density reduction plan, though, doesn’t seem to be getting put to use, and some say is just wasting city resources having police stationed at these closed streets.

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  • Promising improvements in Asia while Europe continues to battle COVID-19

    Although the United States, Spain, and Italy are still working to contain the coronavirus outbreak, countries across Asia have seen some success. By implementing rapid intervention and widespread testing, places such as South Korea and Taiwain have seen a decrease in cases and have begun steps to lift some of the restrictions that were in place.

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  • Lessons From Macau, the Densely Populated Region Beating Back COVID-19

    Despite being the most densely populated area on earth, Macau, a special administrative region of China, has managed to keep its coronavirus infection rate astonishing low, in large part due to strict, fast-acting policy implementation. Within a week of Wuhan shutting down, Macau officials placed restrictions on travel, cut back on public transportation, and closed all schools in the area.

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • Singapore's coronavirus playbook: How it fought back against the COVID-19 pandemic

    Initially, Singapore was one of the most impacted country by the spread of the coronavirus; however, with strict policy and early isolation, the city-state has managed to maintain a low infection rate. Early on in the outbreak, Singaporean officials designated "contact tracers" to diligently trace paths of infection, enabling tracers to pick out people who have been in contact with those affected and quickly isolate them.

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  • Italy, Pandemic's New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

    In learning what could best work to contain the coronavirus, Italy is offering lessons to other countries in what has failed to work there. Dubbed the new "epicenter of a shifting pandemic" after reporting the highest death count, countries are learning that rapid and early intervention that is communicated clearly is a key component to slowing the spread.

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  • Crowdsourcing to Fight a Pandemic

    To address those that have been specifically impacted by economic crash due to coronavirus and to slow the spread, cities across the United States are enacting comprehensive measures to help. From a halt on all utility shutoffs to releasing inmates who have nearly completed their sentences or are being held pretrial on cash bail, local governments across the nation are looking for ways to address how the pandemic is impacting the most vulnerable.

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  • Understanding what works: How some countries are beating back the coronavirus

    As countries continue to try to contain the coronavirus pandemic, "non-pharmaceutical initiatives" are showing promise as a means to slow the spread. Countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan – all of which enacted travel restrictions, quarantine methods, and social distancing protocols early – have been able to slow the rate of transmission to some degree.

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  • How China and South Korea's battle with coronavirus offers glimmer of hope

    While some places such as the United Kingdom and London struggle to slow the spread of coronavirus, other countries such as China, South Korea, and Taiwan, have managed to contain the virus through fast-acting government regulations. Although each country's strategy looks different – China enacted a strict lock-down, while South Korea implemented widespread testing – they all acted rapidly to intervene.

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