Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • She gave birth to 150 puppies then was discarded. How Victoria's story could stop puppy mills

    Pennsylvania has made significant strides in decreasing animal cruelty in the commercial breeding sector. It has overhauled its kennel regulations, making sure dogs have access to outdoor space and exercise space, are visited by a veterinarian bi-annually, and are not allowed to be owned by anyone convicted of animal cruelty. Since these changes were put in place the state has seen a sharp increase in violations and closures, which for them, is a success.

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  • The Next Pandemic Is Out There. Is the Private Sector Ready?

    In 2019, a Pandemic Response Board made up of international leaders was created to determine a course of action should a contagious outbreak such as SARS occur. Although the director general of the Nigeria Center for Disease Control was not able to join, the region's response to Lassa virus offered lessons to the team, such as the benefits of private-public partnerships and eliminating the spread of misinformation by joining forces with social media outlets.

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  • Seattle's already doing what California's about to do to limit police use of force. How's it working out?

    In the past decade, Seattle has reduced their use of force by 60 percent. Spurred by a court order, the reduction comes from greater de-escalation training, stricter, more nuanced policies, and more collaboration between law enforcement and activists. While moving the needle, many cite the long way the city has to go, especially when it comes to how force is still used disproportionately on communities of color. But because they’ve made progress without endangering officers, other states like California look to Seattle as a model of reform.

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  • Philly Sets New Gold Standard for Domestic Worker Protections

    Giving domestic workers a seat at the table elevates their voices and provides them with access to protections enshrined in labor laws. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the passage of the Philadelphia Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights extends worker protections to those previously left out of traditional labor laws. The new law, passed with the combined effort of the Pennsylvania Domestic Worker Alliance (PDWA), Philadelphia’s City Council, and the support of Philadelphia AFL-CIO, grants domestic workers access to employer-funded benefits and paid time off.

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  • From tikka masala to Mexican BBQ, home kitchens set to expand across the state

    California is one of the first states to legalize the sale of meals from the home, opening up new avenues for amateur chefs - namely immigrants, women, and people of color - who are not formally in the restaurant industry or do not have access to professional kitchens. While implementation of the new law is at the beginning stages, there are signs that it is already providing a lower-risk way for people who might open a restaurant in the future, although opponents have raised some concerns regarding zoning.

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  • Gun Reform is on the Agenda. But Victims of Color Aren't.

    With gun reform being a key legislative topic, the majority of time, energy, and resources have focused on preventing mass shootings, which amount to just 2-3% of gun-related homicides. The rest affect majority communities of color, which policy, lobbying, and reform efforts have largely ignored. Even with local violence-reduction efforts like Oakland’s LIVE FREE focused deterrence or a Chicago school’s focus on cognitive behavioral therapy showing impact, the allotted resources at the federal level continue to pass them by.

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  • His Aunt Saw Red Flags. Police Say That May Have Prevented A Mass Shooting

    Connecticut has had Extreme Risk Protection Orders, or “red flag” laws, in effect since 1999. These laws allow citizens to provide tips to law enforcement if they suspect danger or violence, in which case law enforcement can then temporarily remove firearms from the suspects homes. While these have gained bipartisan popularity and have shown to decrease suicide attempts, proof of homicide or mass shooting preventions remains to be seen.

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  • California Just Legalized Public Banks. Will the Rest of the Nation Follow Suit?

    In California, Governor Newsom recently signed into law a regulatory framework for public banking in the state. Public banking, a concept not without its detractors, has been established successfully in North Dakota and California hopes to follow suit to tamp down on frustrations that big banking institutions put profits over social good. Supporters of public banks see them as a tool to create positive community change and support historically marginalized groups.

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  • Do Deportations Lower Crime? Not According to the Data

    A federal deportation program called Secure Communities has been around off and on since 2008, and is a collaboration between local law enforcement agencies and federal immigration like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While responding to a perceived connection between illegal immigration and crime, the heavy-handed approach to deportation hasn’t actually had any effect on crime rates, recent studies have shown. The research has also fact-checked another myth about the program – that it helps police solve crimes better – which hasn’t proven to have any distinct correlation.

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  • Ideas from Oklahoma can help NC plan for future of increased flooding

    Eastern North Carolina -- an area increasingly affected by flooding from hurricanes -- looks to Tulsa for long-term, financially sustainable solutions to routine flooding. Tulsa's comprehensive approach includes regulating building in floodplains as well as building vast drainage systems in all high-risk flood areas. The city implemented a storm water mitigation fee to residents' water bills in order to make flood insurance among the cheapest in the country.

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