Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How has Ohio Stepped Up Measures to Combat Sexual Violence?

    Across Ohio, legislators, organizations, and activists have improved prevention and response measures to sexual assault. The state has seen the opening of 14 new rape crisis centers, statewide legislation, increased support for survivors and their families, and the establishment of on-campus programs. Each initiative offers different services, but all seek to shift the culture and provide a more well-rounded approach to sexual assault for Ohio residents.

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  • The woman in search of Indian Country's missing

    Native individuals and members of groups like Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women have taken it into their own hands to find members of their communities who have gone missing. Recognizing that decades-old legislation often under-prioritizes tribal lands, indigenous populations have turned to grassroots efforts and social media to form their own search parties – and are seeing results.

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  • As Climate Change Depletes Forests, One Of India's Greenest States Turns To Its People

    In 2007 a program in Meghalaya, India called The Khasi Hills Community REDD+ Project was created to bring together the community members in an agreement to protect the sacred groves there. This was part of the larger REDD project within India by the United Nations to mitigate some of the effects of deforestation and forest degradation. The longterm goal is to revive 27,000 hectares (about 66,718 acres) of forests and to serve as an example for other biodiverse areas in the country. The project has since received international funding to support other things as well, like stimulating the tourist economy.

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  • Oregon Leading the Nation in Clearing Backlog of Untested Rape Kits with Survivor-Focused Legislature

    As of 2018, Oregon’s backlog of Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) kits had been cleared thanks to the passage of a state bill, commonly referred to as Melissa’s Law. Besides clearing the accumulated kits, the legislation requires police to pick-up the kits from hospitals within seven days of notification and submit SAFE kits for testing within two weeks. Such a response has led to six perpetrators being identified as well as a systemic, patient-driven process for sexual assault survivors.

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  • New York City's Bail Success Story

    Around the country, states like California, New Jersey, and Maryland are implementing legislation that eliminates the cash bail system. While this is one way of addressing that system’s growing unpopularity, New York City has recognized a different approach. By taking advantage of a growing cultural shift in how individuals think about bail, jail time, and criminal justice reform at large, the city has seen an organic decrease in the use of cash bail within courtrooms and judges’ decisions.

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  • Treat Medicines Like Netflix Treats Shows

    Australia has found a promising model to make high-priced medicine cheaper for patients, including expensive treatments for Hepatitis C, which the country is now on track to eradicating by 2026. The strategy works similar to the business strategy of subscription streaming services- by paying a lump sum to drug producers, Australia gets an unlimited amount of the drug for 5 years, allowing all patients to get help while ensuring stable profits for drug companies.

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  • Preparing Main Street for the So-Called ‘Retail Apocalypse'

    A planning expert dives into responses from cities around the country to the infrastructural red tape faced by many brick-and-mortar retail businesses in the wake of an ecommerce boom. In Corning, NY, city officials created mid-block crosswalks to make navigating retail spaces downtown safer; in Memphis, local government passed a law that allows for light manufacturing in downtown areas to make owning "mom-and-pop" shops more affordable & convenient.

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  • $773 Million Later, de Blasio Ends Signature Initiative to Improve Failing Schools

    In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio launched and then ended a program to rejuvenate struggling schools in the city. Despite deeming the program as unsuccessful overall, the city learned several lessons from the schools thad did succeed within the framework, such as the necessity for strong principals and "an emphasis on using student achievement data to identify problems."

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  • How Tech Helped San Francisco Clear 9,300 Marijuana Convictions

    Using an algorithm designed by Code for America, the city of San Francisco has been able to identify and start the process of expunging almost 10,000 marijuana-related convictions. While the initiative has faced some opposition, the city’s District Attorney asserts that convicted individuals should be given dignity and respect by not have to carry the weight of crime for something that’s no longer illegal.

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  • What Colorado can learn from “red flag” gun laws in other states as lawmakers debate passing their own version

    Around the country, a dozen states have passed “red flag” gun laws. These laws allow officials to temporarily take away legally owned guns from individuals who are deemed either at-risk of suicide, or a danger to others. Colorado is the most recent state to introduce a similar law to legislation, and if passed would allow law enforcement to initially seize guns for 14 days while a judge hears the case.

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