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  • Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn't listening

    In Iceland,the relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to reduce teen consumption of alcohol and drugs. The program identifies youth that are likely to abuse drugs and offers them physically challenging after-school activities that can reduce anxiety or provide a rush, such as dance classes and martial arts, along with curfews and parent education.

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  • Tunisia: 'State Feminism'

    Tunisian women have more rights than any other Islamic country. Since their revolution in 1956, the country has led the Arab world in establishing rights for women. Since then, legislation is still being pushed forward that safeguards women’s rights. Tunisian women have more rights than any other Islamic country. Since their revolution in 1956, the country has led the Arab world in establishing rights for women. Since then, legislation is still being pushed forward that safeguards women’s rights. “Tunisia is the role model regarding gender legislation in the Arab world.”

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  • This Is How We Can Tackle Climate Change, Even With a Denier in Chief

    With little action happening to reverse or prepare for climate change at the federal level, local communities have taken initiative on their own. From voters in Flagstaff passing a $10 million bond to bolster forest management to the city of Tulsa buying over 1,000 flood-prone properties, across the United States people are taking non- or bi-partisan steps to increase their towns’ resilience. Core to each initiative is not a parachute, one-size-fits-all approach, rather, it’s taking a hyper-local approach, centering community strength, and moving disadvantaged populations to the forefront.

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  • Lessons from Christchurch: 4 key ways Seattle can prepare for earthquake devastation

    A magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2011 laid waste to much of the city and killed 185 people. Although on the opposite side of the world, Seattle is home to strikingly similar buildings and structures that have been identified as at-risk to the shallow faults under them. There is opportunity for the Washington city to learn from the disaster in New Zealand - before it's too late.

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  • Canada moves ahead on carbon taxes, leaving the U.S. behind

    The United States has refused to institute a carbon tax, but Canada has agreed to a carbon tax in all provinces by 2018. The carbon tax has received support across party lines, however, some elections remain to see if the carbon tax favoring candidates are elected.

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  • Cook County, Home of Chicago, Becomes Largest Locale With a Soda Tax

    To create revenue and avoid damaging cuts for public health and public safety systems, Cook County has approved a controversial penny-an-ounce pop tax.

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  • The Rent Is Now Somewhat Less High in Paris

    France’s cities, including Paris, are among the world’s most expensive to live in. In 2015, France passed rent control laws that restrict outlandish rent increases through the Rent Observatory that oversees the different zones and contracts, as well as a website that tells residents if their prospective landlords are charging too much. One year later, the regulations have been effective at controlling the rent by 30% in Paris.

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  • How Vermont changed the national GMO-labeling debate

    Vermont's passage of a law requiring food that is genetically modified to be labeled spurred action at the national level to create one standard, rather than a patchwork of state laws, that offers food companies several ways to label foods with GMOs. The national bill did eventually pass, but as this piece illustrates, no one seems very happy about it. Environmentalists feel it leaves large loopholes and while the food industry likes one standard, it does not like the stigma the GMO label confers.

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  • Can You Make Bankers Behave Better?

    What if you could figure out a way to nudge bankers into making decisions with more integrity, in order to avoid future financial woes? Can a sense of safety and ethics be forced into company culture? The Inquiry takes a look inside Goldman Sachs and meets with a regulator who is deploying psychologists in banks.

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  • A fiscal lens on police accountability

    ClaimStat is a New York city program that uses data to track allegations of police misconduct on a neighborhood level and shares the information with the public, helping prevent lawsuits against the city and diverting settlement funds to core city services like education or street cleanup. Chicago looks to learn from the program and reduce the millions spent on police misconduct lawsuits each year.

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