Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Power of Being Seen

    For a decade, only a little more than half of the students from Washoe Country District graduated. So, school leaders launched a Social Emotional Learning program. That’s because research shows that kids that don’t form emotional connections at school are at a higher risk of dropping out. The “district’s three signature SEL classroom practices [include]: welcome rituals and routines, more engaging or interactive teaching methods, and end-of-class reflections.” In the five years since implementing the program, graduation rates increased by 18 percent.

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  • This Tiny Country Feeds the World

    By using new technology and shared knowledge, the Dutch have become global leaders in agricultural innovation and solutions to fight famine. Work being done at Wageningen University & Research has allowed farmers in the Netherlands to grow crops year-round and in all kinds of weather, while eliminating the use of chemical pesticides and reducing the dependence on water by as much as 90 percent at some farms. Exporting these techniques to other countries has its challenges, but international graduate students are working to implement these programs in their home regions to help people experiencing hunger.

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  • A system of support: How Ontario sets its teachers up to succeed

    Part 3 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students. One of the key factors to their success is rigorous preparation of and support for their teachers. Pennsylvania, meanwhile, struggles to find and retain educators.

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  • English learners: Other places are showing what works

    Dual language programs that split the school day into half English instruction and half in a different language have been shown to be effective for students learning English as well as native English speakers to learn a second language. For the programs to work, however, a school needs to be able to recruit bilingual teachers, the commitment of leaders, and adequate funding.

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  • Can Teacher Residencies Help With Shortages?

    A small but growing group of programs in the U.S. are offering teaching "residencies" to college students. Students earn a stipend to student-teach in local schools in exchange for their commitment to work in the schools for a set number of years after graduating. Researchers found that 45 percent of residency teachers nationwide were teachers of color compared with 19 percent of all new teachers. Participants were also more likely to still be teaching in the school system four years later.

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  • Addiction doc says: It's not the drugs. It's the ACEs – adverse childhood experiences.

    ACEs quantifies the adverse event in an individual's childhood, as a means to treat addiction. Understanding addiction as resulting from past events helps to treat these individuals through medication and developing a plan to help each patient live a sober life without medications while de-shaming and de-blaming them.

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  • Takto učí dobrý učiteľ. Novinár odišiel z Bratislavy na východ a odpísané deti vyťahuje do normálneho života

    Učiteľ, produkt programu Teach for Slovakia, robí pozitívne zmeny v triedach, v ktorých žiaci zaostávajú v čítaní, matematike a prírodných vedách.

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  • Preparing Young Americans for a Complex World

    In a globalized world, increased focus has been put on expanding the frequently under-studied global competency component of American Student's education. By integrating lessons on this type of global thinking and knowledge into common courses, educators across the country are attempting to remedy this lack of global competency.

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  • Why keeping minority teachers in the classroom matters

    While minority students in K-12 account for almost 50%, there are significantly fewer minority teachers. Most of the efforts are focused on recruitment but not on retention as teachers spend on average three years at a job. There are a few programs that are helping to increase retention by creating a collaborative community of teachers. However, a more systemic approach is needed.

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  • Colorful maps and wooden blocks have lured some skeptical parents — but can free public Montessori survive in Detroit?

    Detroit implemented the Montessori Method at several public schools, despite funding constraints. The program has attracted families that might otherwise look to the suburbs and private schools for education. It has resulted in more diverse classrooms and more opportunities for students.

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