Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Meet the Young Activists Fighting Chicago's Gun Violence, With Lobbying and Group Hugs

    GoodKids MadCity, an anti-gun violence group that is led by black and brown youth in Chicago is working to create a safer community. Members, most of whom have been directly impacted by gun violence, work together to address the systemic drivers of gun violence in their city, including poverty, trauma, and lack of safe spaces. They do so by creating a community for themselves and by engaging politically – pushing local lawmakers to address the systemic drivers they’ve identified.

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  • These Young Activists Are Fighting Chicago's Gun Violence With Lobbying and Group Hugs

    A group in Chicago called Good Kids, Mad City is made up of youth who have been affected by gun violence. They offer support and accountability to each other and use the group as a way to cope with the daily violence they face every day. In addition to the therapeutic benefits of the group, the youth have even lobbied and passed legislation that expunges non-violent marijuana offenses as part of the state’s marijuana legalization proposal.

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  • CU Anschutz unveils out-of-home gun storage map to help improve safety, prevent suicide

    For individuals wanting to store their guns outside of their homes, they can now find a space using the Colorado Gun Storage Map. The interactive tool was developed in collaboration between the Colorado School of Public Health, the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and the Colorado Safety Coalition, with the goal of helping those in crisis situations find spaces like law enforcement agencies and special storage facilities to store their firearms.

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  • San Diego Is Showing California How to Use Its Red Flag Law

    In San Diego, California, more than three Gun Violence Restraining Orders, or “red flag laws,” have been used to prevent gun violence. These laws have gained in popularity across the country, and allow courts to temporarily take away firearms from individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others. With such success in San Diego, their attorney’s office is now training law enforcement and government agencies across the state on how to use such orders.

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  • Colorado's trailblazing Safe2Tell system needs significant upgrades, lawmakers say

    In 2016, Utah debuted SafeUT, a streamlined crisis center with on-call mental health specialists that students can call or text about potential threats to schools or personal mental health concerns. SafeUT was born out of a recognition for more preventative and mental health services, and was inspired by Colorado’s Safe2Tell initiative. Now, as Colorado seeks to iterate on their state initiatives, they’re looking to SafeUT’s streamlined approach as a model for improvement.

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  • Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings

    With people across the United States living in constant fear of mass shootings, in these despondent times, some churches paying companies to train and arm their members in preparation. While the FBI and other security experts don’t fully support the response, the approach has gained traction. While those protecting the places of worship are all unpaid volunteers, companies like Sheepdog Defense Group are paid by churches.

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  • Gun owners in New Zealand voluntarily surrender more than 10,000 firearms

    Since July 2019, New Zealand has held gun buybacks across the country and collected over 10,000 firearms. After a mass shooting at Christchurch mosque, the government rushed through legislation to ban semi-automatic and automatic firearms, offering owners of such weapons cash and a no-questions-asked policy. Such legislation has been implemented in other countries as well, including Australia, who in 1996 collected over 600,000 weapons.

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  • New Zealand gun buyback: 10,000 firearms returned after Christchurch attack

    A month after a mass shooting at New Zealand’s Christchurch mosque, New Zealand’s government has bought back over 10,000 firearms. The country passed legislation banning automatic and semi-automatic weapons a month after the event, setting aside $150 million New Zealand dollars for the buyback, and offering a no-questions-asked policy for those that do turn them in.

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  • As law enforcement nationwide faces scrutiny, cameras protect both public and officers

    Across the United States, 95 percent of law enforcement agencies have started using body cameras. In North Carolina, the majority of departments have started using such technology in the hopes of increasing transparency, trust, and accountability. While the use of body cams is wanted by both police and the community, finding the funding to purchase and maintain them has been a challenge for some departments.

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  • 'You bring your gun, we ask no questions': The history of gun buybacks in Kansas City and Missouri

    As Kansas City tries to decrease violent crime in the area, it looks to a decades-old initiative that may have worked in the past: gun buybacks. Such a response was first tried in 1994, and saw a decline in homicides the following year. While the new mayor looks to try this in the city, they face state legislation prohibiting gun buybacks and pushback from critics who say such responses don’t actually work.

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