Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Switzerland couldn't stop drug users. So it started supporting them.

    By prioritizing treatment over law enforcement, Switzerland dramatically reduced its drug problem. In 1994, the country adopted a progressive policy to treat heroin addiction as a public health crisis, focusing on harm reduction, treatment, and prevention in addition to traditional law enforcement. The policy, which embraces medicated-assisted treatment and universal access to services, helped greatly reduce issues such as the incidence of HIV, drug overdoses, and deaths over the long-term.

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  • Sharps Kits, Syringes and Solidarity

    Many health care facilities that supply needles don't have the proper training or experience to work with trans-identified people that are undergoing hormone therapy. To help address this gap in care, an education and advocacy nonprofit in Eugene, Oregon acts as a hub for the community's clean needle exchange needs.

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  • The Houses That Help Keep HIV at Bay

    The Belle Reve House in Louisiana houses and treats low-income and homeless people living with AIDS. The house offers wraparound services and works to keep the virus at almost undetectable levels. Residents are less likely to spread the virus when living at Belle Reve, which is crucial in New Orleans, where the transmission rate is among the highest in the country.

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  • These Kenyan widows are fighting against sexual 'cleansing'

    In Kenya, and in other parts of Africa, widows are considered impure until a male has sex with them and cleanses them. If they don’t get cleansed they face social stigma. However, one widow, Roseline Orwa, refused, and instead created the Rona Foundation. “The center provides loss and grief counseling, financial support and teaches entrepreneurial skills.” She also successfully lobbied for a bill that outlawed widow cleansing. However, even though the practice is still prevalent in rural parts of Kenya, both men and women are talking about ending the practice through talk sessions offered by the center. “A

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  • Mothers lead children HIV transmission fight in Kisii and Homa Bay

    A mentorship program in Kenya has proven effective at slashing rates of HIV transmission to infants and reducing stigma surrounding the illness. Mentor mothers offer support and education to HIV-positive pregnant women to ensure they stay on anti-retro viral drugs to avoid passing the virus to their unborn children and they work with them through the first 18 months of a child's life. Similar programs in other African countries have reached an estimated 1.4 million HIV-positive women.

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  • Britons Pay Hundreds for H.I.V. Drugs. Why Do Americans Pay Thousands?

    When it comes to helping H.I.V. patients, Britain's National Health Service is able to keep prices for treatment much lower than the United States does by encouraging the use of generic drugs. The National Health Service's structure allows it to incentivize prescribing generic treatment in a way that the American system doesn't, especially as H.I.V. treatments are not being consistently replaced by something found to be more efficient.

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  • Needle-Exchange Program Connects Drug Users to Treatment

    Miami-Dade county is a hotspot for AIDS, but it used to be illegal to offer syringe exchange services there. After studying the results of a San Francisco program, the county amended the law to allow a pilot syringe exchange program. Overdose deaths have declined by almost 40 percent.

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  • Sperm ‘washing' procedure boosts fight against Aids

    A relatively inexpensive procedure known as “sperm washing” can prevent HIV transmission from a hopeful father to the mother and baby. A spinning device separates sperm from seminal fluid, the primary transmitter of HIV. The procedure can also be helpful for women with endometriosis.

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  • New HIV viral load test launched, results in one hour

    The M-Pima kit is a quick, easy to use device to accurately measure the HIV load in a blood sample. With this tool, clinics lacking in technology or staff expertise don't have to send samples to places with these resources, but rather can use the kit to obtain the same information in an hour.

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  • The transformative power of giving young women cash

    Research, and the evidence from global development campaigns in multiple countries, shows that cash transfers to women can help women to gain more freedom in choosing sexual partners, decrease HIV transmission, and decrease domestic violence. However, the short term cash transfers show proof of short term impact -- for longer term success, greater amounts that allow for greater investment might be necessary.

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