Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Doula work is ‘taxing' with little pay. Can Minnesota make it more sustainable?

    In 2013, Minnesota’s Medical Assistance Medicaid program expanded to include access for those who were providing support as doulas, but many barriers faced those who tried to get on the registry. From a registration fee to complicated billing system, the new policy has especially been challenging for individual practitioners or small non-profits to navigate. But despite the limitations, the expansion has still helped some organization's "ability to serve families while compensating doulas for their work."

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  • COVID-19 was a disaster for organ transplants. Here's how they're recovering

    The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted much of the healthcare system, but the U.S.'s transplant system was largely able to rebound due to collaborative efforts and a pivot to telehealth for post-operative appointments. Additionally, the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) helped connect experts from across the world so that transplant specialists could learn from one another's efforts.

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  • BElovedBIRTH Black Centering offers support to Black newborns and moms in Oakland

    In Oakland, California, a group of Black birth workers has been working to improve prenatal and postpartum care for mothers by offering care that is designed “by, for, and with Black people.” The group uses a series of evidence-based strategies that are largely based on community-centered care practices, with the overall goal of countering racism in the healthcare system.

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  • Singapore Turns To Cultured Meat To Boost Its Food Security

    Singapore recently became the first country in the world to allow cultured meat to be sold to the public, a move that scientists and environmentalists say is the future of meat production. U.S.-based company Eat Just takes stem cells from live tissue, mixes it with a broth, and puts it into a bioreactor to allow the cells to multiply and form connective tissue. While cultured meat can be expensive to produce, they sold its chicken — a maple waffle chicken dish and crispy chicken bao — to diners for $17.

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  • Baking Homemade Bread Becomes a Public Good

    A community effort to help provide food to those who are food insecure during the pandemic has brought together local bakers to bake bread for food banks. The initiative, known as Community Loaves, has amassed 700 volunteers and donated 15,000 loaves to 11 food pantries across the Seattle area, and is now also gaining momentum in Oregon.

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  • A Booster Shot For Detecting COVID-19 Mutations

    When the SARS-CoV-2 variant emerged in the United Kingdom, scientists in Britain were able to quickly identify it and warn other countries thanks to the use of genome sequencing. Now other countries, such as Denmark, are investing in genome sequencing to get ahead of the next potential outbreak.

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  • How 5 universities tried to handle COVID-19 on campus

    Universities are breeding grounds for COVID-19. In August and September they had to figure out the best way to test, control, and contain a virus on campus. Across the country universities launched a plethora of methods: weekly testing, staggered testing, training student health ambassadors, and even a community court. This article highlights the endeavors of 5 universities.

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  • Tackling sport's concussion problem

    To prevent concussions during sports, some conferences are changing rules, while others are turning to technology to create new kinds of helmets and mouth guards that do a better job at protecting the brain. The innovations thus far have shown success at protecting the wearer from injury, but they do have to be fitted precisely to work the best.

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  • « Ecole des maris », « Club des garçons » : ces initiatives inspirantes qui impactent

    Grâce à la formation et la sensibilisation des garçons et des hommes aux question de plannification familliale, le Togo voit une hausse d'utilisation de moyens de contraception et une amélioration des relations familliales.

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  • L'association Itawa forme les gardes d'enfants à domicile à limiter l'utilisation de polluants

    Choix des jouets, hygiène, nettoyage écologique… Pour limiter l’exposition des enfants aux perturbateurs endocriniens, Itawa forme des brigades de nounous écolos.

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