Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Green House nursing homes kept COVID cases low via small sizes, private rooms, universal workers

    The Green House Project, which is a network model of nursing homes across states, has been able to largely avoid the spread of Covid-19 amongst residents, with five times fewer cases than the national nursing home average. While the small size of the nursing homes has played a role, it has also been beneficial that each resident has their own bedroom and bathroom and that staff employ a universal worker model that limits the number of nursing assistants coming and going from each facility.

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  • Can Mass Self-Testing for Covid-19 Keep Schools Safe?

    Schools in Austria are teaching schoolchildren how to use noninvasive antigen tests to test themselves for COVID-19, in an attempt to keep schools open and coronavirus spread low. Although some question how reliable these tests are, a few hundred cases have been detected so far and almost all parents and teachers "have embraced the testing offer."

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  • Towards a greener construction with fly ash bricks

    Fly ash bricks help reduce construction waste by utilizing the powdery by-product of burning coal. They are a green replacement for red clay bricks, which contribute to 5-15% of India’s emissions. They also utilize waste from coal-based thermal plants, which often gets disposed of by being dumped in water bodies and on roadsides. In comparison to red clay bricks, fly ash bricks are less expensive and the production process doesn’t emit smoke or use the more fertile top soil. Their use has been mandated by some regions and about 150 small fly ash enterprises have emerged.

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  • Can a Community Water Lab Restore Trust in Flint?

    A community-based water testing and lead-education pilot program aimed to rebuild confidence and trust among Flint residents, who are skeptical of state-affiliated testing. Trained students collected water samples that were tested by University of Michigan labs. Educational materials provided with results included how to install, maintain, and use filters. While most samples didn't show issues, households with dangerous lead levels were given bottled water, filters, and other services. Once the pilot ended, the Mckenzie Patrice-Croom Water Lab secured funding to continue free community-based water testing.

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  • How Newark Water Coalition Is Bringing the City Clean Water Without Plastic Waste

    Since it was reported that Newark’s lead levels in the city’s drinking water were higher than federal standards, the Newark Water Coalition installed a Water Box. This is a portable filtration system that removes contaminants to provide 10 gallons of clean water each minute. The organization worked with another nonprofit that implemented a Water Box in Flint, Michigan, to secure funding to install three others in the city.

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  • Anti-Racist Science Education : Short Wave

    Science is dominated by white men, and some of the most well-regarded scientists were notoriously racist. Some science teachers are not shying away from the history of racism embedded in science but are embracing it. In this episode of Short Wave, three teachers share how they’re integrating race into the curriculum from delving into the ethics of experiments, to journaling, to reading “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks." “To fix the lab we have to fix the classroom.”

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  • A dug solution to drought in an Indonesian village

    Indonesian villagers were experiencing water shortages as natural springs started to dry up in part due to climate change, so they installed infiltration wells to collect and absorb rainwater. Not everyone, at first, wanted to implement the wells on their property, but by 2020, there were 320 infiltration wells in Patemon village. This water conservation project is not being implemented throughout the rest of the country.

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  • Opera Singers Help Covid-19 Patients Learn to Breathe Again

    To help patients recovering from COVID regain respiratory and vocal strength, the English National Opera worked with a London hospital to create a program that offers patients clinically proven recovery exercises taught by opera-singing tutors. While some regard the program as "a bit touchy-feely,” participants have expressed that it has helped both with recovery and feelings of isolation, and it is now being expanded to post-Covid clinics throughout England.

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  • Volunteer paramedics patrol streets of Venezuela's capital

    With Venezuela's hospitals and ambulance services crippled by the country's long-running economic and social crisis, a volunteer corps of paramedics formed two years ago to respond to medical emergencies. With donated labor and medical supplies, along with charitable funding, Angels of the Road handles three or four emergency calls per day, mostly auto accidents. Research shows that speedy and expert trauma care saves lives. This service fills a gap in a country where many cannot afford private ambulance services, and public services lack the resources to be fully functioning.

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  • Native Americans embrace vaccine, virus containment measures

    At the Cherokee Indian Hospital in North Carolina, approximately 3,000 tribal members have received at least the first dose of the Covid vaccine. The tribe credits the quick and large response to trust in the hospital and how outreach was conducted – rather than have people compete for sign ups, the hospital reached out directly to those most at risk.

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