Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Smallpox used to kill millions of people every year. Here's how humans beat it.

    The eradication of smallpox offers lessons and insight for health officials and governments focused on containing the novel coronavirus and avoiding future pandemics. Although COVID-19 presents unique challenges – such as asymptomatic transmission – lessons from the smallpox era show that "a well-funded, well-supported public health system" was a key to success.

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  • Innovation, bonuses may help curb Michigan's home health care shortage

    A home health care agency in New York has "become a nationwide model" for hiring and retaining home health aids. Crucial to the program's success is a series of incentives offered to employees such as "subsidies to pay for college courses and career advancement," continuous training, guaranteed hours, and insurance. Although the implementation of this program may not be financially feasible in other areas, it has created a noticeable loyal workforce for the industry.

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  • Antibody infusions are stemming Covid hospitalizations in Lafayette

    Hospitals in Louisiana are using a monoclonal antibody infusion treatment to help the most at-risk patients recover from Covid-19. Although this treatment comes with limitations – including a 10-day window of when it must be administered – it has shown significant overall mortality declines when used.

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  • More than goodwill: New tactics used to attract new healthcare talent as shortages grow

    An initiative to draw more people to entry-level healthcare professions is seeing success in Ohio. A collaboration of healthcare employers is training and promoting employees to “strengthen the healthcare employee pipeline.”

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  • Testris - The positive rate game: Rwanda

    Before the first case of Covid-19 was reported within country borders, Rwanda had already started preparations – including a testing strategy and contact tracing – to prevent the spread of the virus. Although resources were limited, they were able to use a pool testing strategy instead of individual testing, which allowed them to save both time and resources.

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  • These States Found the Secret to COVID-19 Vaccination Success

    Only a few states in the U.S. have had a successful COVID-19 vaccine rollout, but the ones that did relied on similar tactics: a centralized operation, local collaborations, and an early reliance on the National Guard to set up clinics. Although these strategies weren't without limitations, they have yielded better vaccination rates than those states that took other routes.

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  • Georgia's Mental Health Champions

    Across Georgia, a community-based mental health care approach has decreased both the duration and frequency of hospitalization for clients. This approach relies on mental health and other healthcare specialists delivering care to clients via mobile teams.

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  • Displaced but not forgotten: Organisations delivering family planning services to Abuja's IDP camps

    The Covid-19 pandemic complicated health care for women living in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Nigeria who already lacked access to family planning services and education, but collaborative efforts are working to change this. Through collective action, a group of non-profits worked together to create a one-day outreach event that provided education and trained community members to carry on the work.

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  • LRT ieško sprendimų: kodėl Danija skiepija greičiau nei kitos ES šalys?

    Danijoje visuomenė nuo COVID-19 per pandemiją buvo skiepijama kur kas sparčiau, nei kitose Europos šalyse. Su kiekvienu piliečiu šalyje per sveikatos elektroninę sistemą susisiekiama, paskiriamas vakcinacijos laikas, vykdoma plati informavimo apie skiepų naudą kampanija, aiškinama apie tai, kodėl vienos socialinės grupės turi prioritetą pasiskiepyti anksčiau negu kitos. Ko galėtų pasimokyti Lietuva?

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  • The "Secret Handshake"—A Program Gifting Cannabis to Unhoused People

    In Los Angeles, the Sidewalk Project gives unhoused people gifts of marijuana to ease their anxiety and to show kindness. Since its start in the spring of 2020, the group has gifted gram-sized portions of weed nearly 1,000 times. The harm-reduction group gets its supply from growers who donate weed that isn't up to commercial-grade snuff. Evidence is mixed on whether marijuana is an effective antidote to opioid withdrawal symptoms, but Sidewalk says it has helped some by making them more relaxed. Personal use of marijuana is legal in California, with restrictions on quantities that can be transferred.

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