Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Addressing a lack of culturally sensitive healthcare for Cambodian and Vietnamese communities in O.C.

    Orange County’s health agency has partnered with community groups to improve access to health care services, including mental health care, for its Vietnamese and Cambodian residents. The social services agency provides medical interpreters and local providers have made an effort to hire doctors and nurses who speak the languages. Several community groups ensure that residents receive culturally relevant health information while also connecting people to food, housing, and other assistance to address social determinants of health. Case managers help navigate the healthcare system and offer emotional support.

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  • How active community case search transformed testing in Kano State

    Kano State, once the epicenter in Nigeria for cases of COVID-19, now boasts the highest rate of daily testing numbers after piloting a community-sampling strategy that allowed for mass testing. The pilot was largely possible due to a massive community mobilization effort and resulted in a decline in community transmission.

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  • How Portland's mutual aid supports local Indigenous communities

    Indigenous communities in need of clean drinking water have turned to aid from a Black-led nonprofit in Portland. Don't Shoot Portland raised $16,000 dollars for water and other basic supplies for the Warm Springs Tribe, which is dealing with a high infection rate of coronavirus in addition to old and faulty infrastructure which has left much of the tribe without water. Mutual aid groups have temporarily come to the rescue of indigenous communities who have been unable to receive adequate government funding to repair old water pipes.

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  • Public Health Workers Stand Behind Contact Tracing

    The Carolina Community Tracing Collaborative (CCTC) is the first statewide coordinated care network that contact traces new COVID-19 cases and electronically connects people to community resources. Investigators interview newly diagnosed patients, provide information about appropriately isolating, and identify people who were potentially exposed, all of whom are also contacted and connected to resources. Information is entered into a secure online system at each stage and individuals are followed up with. It is not clear that CCTC has successfully tracked the origins of many widespread COVID-19 infections.

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  • Com uso de aplicativo e posto de saúde, aldeia indígena no Xingu registra zero mortes por covid-19

    Indígenas da aldeia Ipatse adaptaram um aplicativo para rastrear casos suspeitos de Covid-19, inauguraram a própria unidade de saúde com cilindros de oxigênio e contrataram médico e enfermeira com dinheiro de doações. Até setembro de 2020, quando a reportagem foi publicada, não havia nenhum óbito causado pela Covid-19.

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  • Camp Resilience, a local life-changer for vets

    In New Hampshire, a healing and bonding program is offering veterans and first responders experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder ways to cope with their stressors. From social interactions to equine therapy, participants have reported that the program has had a positive impact on their wellbeing.

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  • In a career born in her own grief, violence recovery specialist works at a Chicago hospital in a city under siege

    Since the 2018 opening of a trauma-care center near the neighborhoods most affected by Chicago's gun violence, the University of Chicago Medical Center's Violence Recovery Program has helped survivors and victims' families to address the emotional harm that can go untreated when only physical harm is treated. Part of a growing field nationwide, hospital-based violence intervention, the program's nine specialists counsel people through the immediate shock of a gun injury or death. Then they address longer-term needs for services. The goals are both humanitarian and pragmatic, to head off more violence.

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  • Health Board: Can't we all just get along?

    When the coronavirus pandemic complicated matters for local government, the Teton County public health office devised a process to enact state mandate that was effective, transparent, and led to rational decision-making. Although discord continued to a degree, the model is still providing guidance to Jefferson County as officials determine "how to best serve the public health interests of its residents."

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  • The Non-Partisan “Pro-Voice” Abortion Space

    An organization founded in Oakland, CA is bringing non-partisan abortion counseling to those who feel isolated by platforms that are designated as either pro-life or pro-choice. The goal of the organization, which is staffed with trained volunteers from across the country, is to help "people process their experiences around abortion without any preconceived notions about what that should look like."

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  • As call for police reform grows here, some look to Oregon for possible answers

    Protests over police officers' conduct in the death of Daniel Prude prompted Rochester, N.Y., officials to look to Eugene's CAHOOTS program for an alternative model in responding to mental health crises. But CAHOOTS officials caution that their longstanding practice of dispatching mental health counselors as first responders, in place of police, has resulted in a safer, more caring response only because the agency is part of a broader system of social services. CAHOOTS teams are on call 24/7, replacing police on up to 8% of 911 calls and calling for police backup a fraction of the time.

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