Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why doctors are handing out voter registration kits

    Thousands of physicians and 60 hospital systems are participating in Civic Health Month, a nationwide effort to encourage voter participation. VotER has over 15,000 orders for “Healthy Democracy Kits,” which compile voter registration resources for medical professionals. Med Out the Vote is another effort focused on registering medical students to vote and dozens of universities have expressed interest in hosting head-to-head voter registration competitions with rival schools. Some don't think doctors should be involved with civic education, but others believe it is one part of treating the whole individual.

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  • ‘It's your baby, and it's, like, wow': 3-D images from ultrasounds allow blind parents to feel their infant's face

    3D ultrasound print outs help doctors perform non-invasive surgery in utero and provide blind parents with images during pregnancy. Doctors at Johns Hopkins hospital first used 3D models to improve surgery for spina bifida in utero. By placing one inside a soccer ball doctors can practice ahead of time for a less invasive procedure. A sonographer at the hospital expanded the approach to create 3D ultrasound models for patients who are blind. Some caution that ultrasounds are just diagnostic tools, but providing a picture of their ultrasound to someone who cannot see it in the traditional sense is powerful.

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  • Scotland's 'Navigators' Transform Lives in the Emergency Room

    In Scotland, the Navigators program performs violence interruption work in seven hospitals, at the bedside of victims of violence, with counseling and connections to social services to nudge people into safer lifestyles. Because Navigators act independently of the police and other authority figures, and because their service follows clients into the community, they are able to win the cooperation of 65-90% of those they approach. A survey of 100 clients showed 23% fewer emergency room visits in the year after cooperating with the program. Navigators started after violence in Scotland raged in 2005.

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  • Could Mecklenburg County learn from a New Jersey city's contact tracing success?

    Paterson, NJ became a national leader using contact tracing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Health department employees persistently and “aggressively” tracked down as many people as possible who were potentially exposed to the coronavirus. To reach those who hung up on contact tracers or wouldn’t return calls, the health department coordinated with community police officers who left letters at their homes or workplaces urging them to return calls and take precautions. The program is credited with significantly reducing the virus’ spread and is seen as a model for other locations to achieve success.

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  • Qual o papel da rede de apoio no aleitamento materno?

    A reportagem é sobre a importância de apoiar mães durante a amamentação de bebês. Há o exemplo de uma família que tem boa experiência com a amamentação por causa da divisão de tarefas domésticas, auxílio de um profissional da saúde e conhecimento sobre aleitamento.

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  • Cama e colchão que protegem barriga ajudam gestantes graves de Covid-19

    Dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo apresentaram resultados positivos em testes de camas e colchões especiais para grávidas com Covid-19. Os equipamentos protegem a barriga da mulher que esteja em situação grave da doença.

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  • The world has shown it's possible to avert Covid-caused election meltdowns. But the U.S. is unique.

    Several countries successfully held elections during the Covid-19 pandemic and can offer insights for how the U.S. can hold a safe presidential election. These include providing more funding for additional polling places and poll workers, expanding ways for people to vote so that it is easier, requiring protective equipment and social distancing at the polls, allowing officials to process mail-in ballots before election day, and informing the public about any changes to contradict misinformation campaigns. It could be harder in the U.S. due to its size and the complexity of electoral laws across the states.

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  • Locals, who know Sunnydale's housing projects well, flattened a COVID-19 outbreak

    Community leaders in Sunnydale, CA contained a coronavirus scare through swift responses, appeals to the community, contact tracing and establishing neighborhood test sites. An emphasis on public education in the neighborhood was also essential to the efforts. The hyperlocal response, which was unique to the community and catered to its needs, was lauded by health workers.

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  • Como a UFPel realizou a maior pesquisa sobre a Covid-19 no mundo

    A reportagem mostra uma grande pesquisa sobre Covid-19 realizada pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas no Brasil. Os primeiros resultados estimularam governantes a pensarem em levantamentos mais aprofundados e regionais.

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  • Dartmouth Is the Blueprint for NFL Success in 2020. Yes, Dartmouth.

    Dartmouth College's football team reduced injuries and began winning more games after the coaching staff implemented non-contact tactics into practices, such as using robotic tackling dummies in place of the players themselves. The practice was already gaining recognition from other schools, but amid the coronavirus, the NFL is now trying out similar protocols too.

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