Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How some Mississippi teens are saving their town from climate change

    Through the Achieving Sustainability Through Education and Economic Development Solutions (ASEEDS) Creek Rangers program, teens and community leaders are raising awareness of the effects of climate change in their small Mississippi town. They’ve fixed their community’s drainage system to help mitigate floods that have impacted the area for years. While some people were skeptical of their efforts, they’ve been able to work with pastors and other people to show how climate change is already impacting them.

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  • ¿Cómo la telemedicina ayuda a los latinos a seguir recibiendo atención médica a pesar del COVID-19?

    Debido al COVID-19, alrededor de 100 pacientes semanales en Raleigh, Carolina del Norte, acceden a servicios de telemedicina, es decir, reciben consulta medica virtual gracias a los servicios expandidos de clínicas comunitarias. Anteriormente, la telemedicina no era un servicio de alto uso en la comunidad Latina, porque no se veía como un servicio equivalente a una consulta en persona. Hoy, varias clínicas están reportando un continuo aumento en el numero de pacientes hispanos.

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  • As the Nation Begins Virus Tracing, It Could Learn From This N.J. City

    In New Jersey, health officials in the city of Paterson has been tracing the novel coronavirus for months, which may have helped contain the spread of the virus. Their disease investigations team has been able to successfully trace about 90 percent of the more than 5,900 positive cases in the city. A state grant allowed them to scale the team during the pandemic.

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  • Churches are an unlikely ally in solving the rural internet access puzzle

    With the help of a program that enables churches to assess the needs of their community and create solutions, one reverend in North Carolina was able to provide a lifeline: internet access. Rural communities like his in North Carolina struggle with internet access and are unable to schedule vital telehealth visits, complete school work or work from home. The funds paid for internet as well as several old computers and 14 hotspots.

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  • Prominent entrepreneurs join activists as volunteers in COVID19 response

    Based on one Instagram post forwarding a request from a doctor for protective gear for his hospital, #BYCOVID19 grew into a large-scale clearinghouse to funnel donated supplies to front-line medical workers in Belarus. Fueled by $125,000 in donations in its first weeks, the volunteer-run service opened a warehouse to store and ship all manner of protective gear that hospitals were desperate to receive amid a serious outbreak of the virus.

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  • How Detroit Gets People Around During a Pandemic

    The city of Detroit’s government spearheaded new partnerships at the start of the coronavirus pandemic to provide transit options for people living in city shelters and residents who don’t have cars to access COVID-19 testing. These partnerships among government departments allowed for transporting those experiencing homelessness to designated emergency shelters and hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus among shelter residents. Government officials anticipated as many as 450 shelter residents would contract the virus, but so far, only 154 people have tested positive with no deaths reported.

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  • Just a click away: Apps bring doctors to your home

    Since 2015, telemedicine has been helping connect doctors with people in rural parts of Kenya, which has proven to be crucial during the coronavirus pandemic. Although not all insurance companies have made the process easy and some residents don't trust the use of technology to keep their data safe, the practice has seen a significant increase in people with chronic diseases utilizing the system as a means of limiting their exposure to situations where they could be exposed to the virus.

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  • Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Should Not Be the World's

    Others can learn from the so-called Swedish model for managing the pandemic, while at the same time should be wary of adopting its undeclared mission to achieve herd immunity. From the start of the crisis, Sweden has placed the responsibility for risk reduction on individuals and businesses rather than through government mandates. The gamble appears to have paid off, as people for the most part behaved responsibly and cautiously, suggesting a less damaging approach for the long haul. But whatever progress the country has made toward widespread immunity carries a big health cost.

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  • As Europe comes out of lockdown, what lessons can be learned from Sweden?

    Sweden’s refusal to enact strict lockdown rules turned out to be far from an unqualified success, but in both its failures and modest benefits it offers lessons on managing through a pandemic while minimizing economic harm. The country’s responses were more nuanced and detailed than a simple hands-off approach. Its economy has not been spared a severe downturn, nor is its death toll anything to brag about. But, in numerous ways, Sweden’s softer approach lives up to its billing as more sustainable than many other countries’.

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  • Sanar en la distancia

    Tres iniciativas digitales de "telemedicina" han brindado atención médica gratuita a más de 70,000 venezolanos durante la crisis de COVID-19, en un país donde el 70% de los hospitales reciben servicio de agua solo dos veces por semana, y donde el 96% de la población informa que tiene problemas con el servicio de agua. El artículo explora cómo funcionan como una solución digital en medio de la pandemia.

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