Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mental health care becomes team effort in NH as coronavirus pandemic increases need for working together

    New Hampshire's community mental health centers are working together to deliver both in-person and telehealth services to community members during the coronavirus pandemic. All 10 of the state's centers are "sharing ideas and helping each other with what is working and identifying what isn’t working," while also working to help reduce barriers to health care access for those experiencing homelessness.

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  • Amid New York's 42,400 hospitalizations, the military handled 3 percent. But it helped in immeasurable ways.

    When New York hospitals became overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, the military deployed and staffed a Navy hospital ship and built a military field hospital in a nearby convention center to help with the caseload. Although military personnel weren't able to treat the vast majority of patients due to resource availability, hospital officials are calling their efforts a success having lessened the overall burden and learned lessons that will be applied should a second wave of cases hit.

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  • As Maine gradually reopens, disease investigations will be more important than ever

    Contact tracing of the novel coronavirus is helping Maine slowly and safely reopen after lockdown by tracking the spread of the virus and mitigating risk of those who may have been exposed. In order to effectively contact trace during a pandemic, at least 30 staff per 100,000 people are needed, of which most states – Maine included – don’t have.

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  • Comment la prison de Fleury-Mérogis, la plus grande d'Europe, lutte contre le coronavirus

    Cette prison dans l'Essonne, la plus grande d'Europe, a dédié un étage entier de son bâtiment au dépistage, à l'isolation, et au traitement des personnes présentant des symptômes du coronavirus. Elle a dû se réorganiser en créant des circuits différenciés pour éviter la contagion et réduire le nombre de détenus.

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  • La Grèce, ce héros !

    Prenant en considération sa population âgée et un déficit de lits en soins intensifs, la Grèce a réagi dès l'annonce du premier cas sur son territoire. L'annulation d'évènements publics, l'accroissement de la capacité d'accueil dans les hopitaux, mais aussi un sentiment partagé de responsabilité envers les plus âgés, et un modèle de communication officielle très transparent ont permis de contenir la pandémie de manière efficace.

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  • Nurse training program bolsters St. John's ranks ahead of potential surge

    Teton County’s St. John’s Health medical center worked proactively to make sure they had the resilience needed in staffing to accommodate a potential surge in COVID-19 patients. Working quickly, they identified current nursing staff that had critical care backgrounds, developed an online training program, and within weeks had nearly doubled the number of staff needed if an outbreak hit the area.

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  • Poop may tell us when the coronavirus lockdown will end

    Researchers and public health experts across the world are turning to "wastewater-based-epidemiology" as a practice that could help trace and track the spread of COVID-19. This methodology has already proved successful in helping mitigate diseases such as polio in Israel and track the usage of illicit drugs in Australia. Most recently, in both France and the Netherlands, early sewage samples have revealed useful data about the coronavirus outbreak.

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  • Germany avoids the worst of coronavirus crisis — but how?

    Germany has emerged during the coronavirus pandemic as a country that has successfully been able to avoid the worst-case scenario, unlike many other countries still battling the virus. Although the country hasn't escaped unscathed, the country's accessible and reliable health care system and a public trust in government officials both helped form the country's successful response to the outbreak.

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  • Lowering costs, improving lives, even during a pandemic Audio icon

    A new initiative at St. John’s Health in Wyoming aimed at bettering people's health while saving the hospital money by combining wellness services with behavioral programs has shown promise but was put on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of pausing the program in entirety, however, program administrators have instead adapted it for St. John's employees as a means of keeping staff healthy.

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  • Nueva Zelanda dice que ha “eliminado” el virus. Así es como lo logró

    Nueva Zelanda oficialmente 'eliminó' el nuevo coronavirus del país mediante la implementación de una serie de medidas que este artículo enumera y menciona. La aplicación de medidas de confinamiento rápidas y ágiles y hacerle pruebas COVID-19 a un gran porcentaje de su población fue clave.

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