Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Prenatal Care May Look Very Different After Coronavirus

    Much of prenatal care has moved to online video conferencing and doctor guided at-home self-monitoring during the coronavirus pandemic but some of these solutions may last long after the pandemic passes due to the positive impact they're having. Although these changes do have limitations and cannot replace doctor visits entirely, for some, the addition of telemedicine has acted as both a time saver and eliminated barriers such as lack of transportation.

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  • Der Alltag geht weiter: Was Taiwan gerade richtig macht

    Taiwan war gut auf die Corona-Krise vorbereitet und konnte effektiv reagieren, weil die Regierung aus dem Sars-Ausbruch 2003 gelernt hat. Wohl noch wichtiger ist aber, dass die taiwanesische Gesellschaft stark auf gegenseitigem Respekt und Zusammenarbeit beruht und das Vertrauen in die Regierung – zumindest in Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem Virus – sehr groß ist.

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  • ‘It's miraculous' — no known coronavirus cases in Acadiana's homeless shelters

    Having learned from failures during the 1980s AIDS epidemic, an outreach center in Louisiana was uniquely prepared to take preventative measures as the coronavirus outbreak spread, and so far, the efforts have worked. Not one case has been reported as of yet at Acadiana CARES, and many are crediting that to the rapid intervention strategies that included strict adherence to social distancing and isolating anyone who had underlying conditions or was considered vulnerable.

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  • Philly garden activists are shipping millions of seeds to a nation fretting over food access during coronavirus pandemic

    Across Philadelphia, people are turning to seeds to source their food instead of grocery stores and supply chains, which have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Philadelphia is home to the Cooperative Gardens Commission, helping people across the United States practice safe gardening, providing mentoring for novices, and packaging and sending seedlings. It’s just one of many localized garden initiatives working to make sure their communities and neighbors have fresh, sustainable food.

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  • Se reconstruire après le cancer du sein

    À Amiens, le centre S’time, s’est spécialisé dans l’après cancer. Grâce à une équipe de professionnelle de santé aux petits soins, les patientes reprennent possession de leur vie et de leur corps et leur risque de rechute sont limitée. En prenant en charge l'après cancer, il y a jusqu'à 30% de rechute en moins.

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  • COVID19: In Uganda, volunteers on bicycles are filling the gaps to deliver HIV drugs

    Strict social distancing and stay-at-home orders – including the suspension of public transportation – in Uganda during the coronavirus pandemic have made if difficult for those who need anti-retroviral (ARVs) drugs to regularly access the medications. Volunteers, however, are filling the gap by creating a detailed delivery strategy and then delivering the medications to their fellow community members by bicycle.

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  • How do you build a city for a pandemic? Audio icon

    Major populated cities such as New York and London were once regarded as "death traps," but a series of deadly outbreaks led to structural changes that worked to improve the public health outcomes for those living there. From sewer systems to therapeutic gardens, the health of those living in cities has improved in a variety of ways, however, that has not stopped densely populated areas from turning into hotspots for coronavirus. To address this, local governments are experimenting with even more structural changes such as turning city streets into walking and biking paths.

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  • Seattle's Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York's Did Not

    In responding to the coronavirus outbreak, Washington State stands in direct contrast to New York in how local governments responded. While New York relied on direction from politicians, Washington State looked to public health experts to lead briefings and directions – a response that is now emerging as a successful model for building trust with state residents, and inspiring action rather than skepticism.

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  • As pandemic continues, community nursing effort looks to grow in the Upper Valley

    In the New England region of the U.S., community nurses are working to fill a void in health care during the coronavirus pandemic for those who may require medical attention but do not need hospital care. As described by the co-director of the Upper Valley Community Nursing Project, "the last thing the health care system needs right now is a lot of people in the emergency room because there have been complications of their chronic diseases, or they’ve fallen or they have problems with their medications."

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  • Was wir von den Toten lernen können

    Verstorbene obduzieren, die Corona hatten – ist das eine gute Idee? Ja, finden Pathologen. Denn diese Menschen könnten uns noch viel über das Virus verraten. Schon bei HIV oder Hepatitis C hat die Pathologie dabei geholfen, die Viren und ihre Wege im Körper zu verstehen.

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