Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Greece Shows How to Handle the Crisis

    The speed of the response matters in mitigating the public health impact of a pandemic. Greece, which acted to restrict non-essential movement faster than countries like Spain and Italy, has sufewera fewer cases of COVID-19. Alongside enacting containment policies only days after its first cases, Greece has been able to prepare its emergency medical system by recruiting additional doctors and staff.

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  • Coronavirus: la estrategia "única en el mundo" de Islandia, el país que ofrece pruebas de covid-19 a toda la población

    Este artículo enumera y explica las diferentes medidas tomadas por Islandia para contener COVID-19. Islandia es el país que más pruebas ha llevado a cabo para detectar la enfermedad en el mundo.

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  • California's coronavirus death toll is way below New York's. Here's why

    Early action to restrict public gatherings and stay-at-home orders may have mitigated surges in COVID-19 cases. In California, the governor’s action to close non-essential businesses and direct residents to stay at home appears to have yielded positive results, affording hospitals sufficient time to increase capacity in the event that cases spike.

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  • What California is doing right in responding to the coronavirus pandemic

    Several statewide measures allowed California to mitigate its surge of COVID-19 cases by acting early. The state issued a mandatory stay-at-home order, which included making face masks mandatory and shutting down public parks during the Easter holiday. In addition to restricting movement, California also made testing widely available and managed to produce a surplus of ventilators. Furthermore, many tech companies quickly adopted work-from-home measures. The thoroughness and early nature of these responses helped the state avoid a surge as seen in New York.

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  • COVID-19: les leçons du dépistage à grande échelle de l'Islande

    Pour mieux comprendre le phénomène de contagion du virus, l'Islande a mis en place un système de dépistage de masse. Axé sur une politique préventive menée dès le début de l'épidémie, le dispositif est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le gouvernment et une firme privée. Les résultats montrent qu'une large partie de la population est infectée mais asymptomatique.

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  • Did Ohio get it right? Early intervention, preparation for pandemic may pay off.

    By taking prompt action to shut down major tourist events and increase medical treatment capacity, Ohio’s early response to COVID-19 has, thus far, helped to temper the surge of confirmed cases in the state. Governor DeWine and the Cleveland Clinic began to mobilize resources prior to the state's first confirmed case. The Governor also suspended “The Arnold,” a popular fitness exposition in Columbus.

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  • Sweden's government has tried a risky coronavirus strategy. It could backfire.

    Where government restrictions are lax, residents adopt social distancing measures voluntarily to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sweden, the trust between much of the country’s population and a public health system disinclined to advise for long-term shutdowns at the national level has left residents and businesses to enact social distancing and sheltering measures more gradually. In the long-term, there appears to be a relationship between Sweden’s relatively higher caseload and voluntary containment policies when compared to its neighbors.

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  • Public health workers innovate around social distancing guidelines

    A fleet of mobile health units across the nation have been helping low-income and immigrant communities to access public health care resources, but during the coronavirus pandemic, the focus has shifted to providing relevant safety information. Leveraging the trust that has been developed over time, public health care workers are utilizing social media to distribute information and resources until they can until they can begin "delivering medications in partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers, a safety net for uninsured and undocumented people."

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  • Texas group empowers Latino parents to advocate for children with disabilities

    A nonprofit organization in Texas is helping Hispanic and immigrant families navigate "a complicated health system for children with disabilities" by providing access to resources and support. Offering resources such as educational toolkits and classes, while also helping to create a sense of community for parents who are similarly struggling with the healthcare system, the program known as VELA operates on a six-week program schedule, and regularly graduates 100 families in each cycle.

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  • Coronavirus : aux Pays-Bas, le gouvernement mise sur le « confinement intelligent »

    Le Pays Bas, qui possède l'un des meilleurs systèmes de santé d'Europe, a décidé de se tester l'immunité collective de sa population face au coronavirus. Cette politique gouvernementale est fondée sur le respect de la vie privée, permettant aux individus de faire leur propre choix pour limiter la contagion. Des mesures sont en place pour protéger les populations vulnérables.

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