Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • NC community centers prepare for COVID-19

    Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, North Carolina's health centers are relying on old methods to reach and educate uninsured and medically vulnerable patients, many of whom don't have access to the internet. Staff are posting fliers in commonly-trafficked locations, hanging signs at health centers, taking out television ads, and asking community leaders to relay hygiene guidelines by word of mouth.

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  • What Singapore's coronavirus tactics can and can't teach world

    Although many hesitate to applaud Singapore's efforts in containing the coronavirus pandemic due to the aggressive measures taken, the country's methodology has shown success. Based on "scientific knowledge, empirical data and medical research," the country has implemented measures such as contact tracing, stay-home orders, hygiene campaigns, and monetary bonuses for health care workers, all of which work to slow the spread of the virus.

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  • Seattle Health Care System Offers Drive-Through Coronavirus Testing For Workers

    Health care workers at the University of Washington are now able to get tested for coronavirus via a drive-through. Providing both convenience and safety by limiting exposure of the potentially ill, the test only takes five minutes and those tested usually get their results within a day.

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  • The race to unravel the biggest coronavirus outbreak in the United States

    When virologists and genomicists in Seattle, Washington realized that COVID-19 was likely to spread to the United States, they began to research ways to keep vulnerable poplulations safe. So far, early success has come from replicating the Seattle Flu Study, which uses a swab test to "reveal the trail that the flu takes as it passes around households, homeless shelters, office parks and communities in the city," and now investors are putting money towards getting these tests into households.

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  • Paid to Stay Home: Europe's Safety Net Could Ease Toll of Coronavirus

    Europe's generous social policies, such as allowing employees to retain their salaries while taking sick time to care for themselves or family members, may help to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak while also safeguarding the economy. Although the long-term impacts are yet unknown, in the short term, government-provided incentives are helping people and businesses stay afloat.

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  • [크랩] IQ 180, 39세 장관이 해결한 대만 ‘마스크 대란'

    신종 코로나바이러스 확산 초기, 마스크 대란에 대처하기 위해 대만 정부는 '마스크 실명제', '마스크 맵' 서비스 등을 주도적으로 시행하며 위기에 적극적으로 대응하는 모습을 보여주었습니다.

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  • South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.

    South Korea's nationwide coronavirus testing measures are showing that the death rate for the virus may not be as high as initially reported while also offering lessons to other countries about the best practices for mitigating epidemics. Although the United States is now beginning to utilize partnerships to address limited testing procedures, South Korea's response allowed for patients to be diagnosed an an earlier and faster rate.

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  • Virus Testing Blitz Appears to Keep Korea Death Rate Low

    Despite avoiding mass bans on citizen movement, South Korea has managed to mitigate the number of reported cases for coronavirus after implementing broad testing protocols. Having learned what didn't work during a previous outbreak of a respitaroy illness, the country "created a system to allow rapid approval of testing kits for viruses which have the potential to cause pandemics."

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  • When a Medical Diagnosis is Complex, A Navigator Who Looks Like the Patient Can Make All the Difference

    Patient navigation, which uses community members as health care informants, is helping to break down social and cultural barriers to accessing care in a community in North Carolina. The navigators are "population-focused," meaning they work in the communities they are passionate about and can relate to in order "to provide culturally appropriate assistance." Since the implementation of the program, doctors at Wake Forest Baptist Health Comprehensive Cancer Center have reported that more patients are seeking care proactively.

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  • Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases while Neighbors Report Hundreds or Thousands

    Because of drastic and proactive steps, Taiwan has been able to keep their number of positive COVID19 cases low. Preemptive actions like stopping flights from China and an early stimulus bill has helped the country get ahead of the public health and economic impacts.

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