Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To Confront Effects of Trauma, Start with Self Care

    Building resilience and self-care into daily life promotes long-term wellbeing. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Catalyst Initiative works to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of underserved groups by promoting culturally relevant approaches to self-care. Catalyst funds organizations that serve Indigenous communities, communities of color, as well as other programs that encourage people to practice mindfulness and self-care as a way to heal from trauma and stress associated with economic, personal, or social issues.

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  • Partnership to strengthen immunisation; The Kano State model

    Cold storage supply chains improve the reliability of vaccine delivery. In Nigeria’s Kano State, the establishment of zonal cold stores has increased immunization coverage. Local nodes equipped with solar powered refrigeration provide storage for vaccines, which are then delivered to supply smaller health centers in the area. The initiative came from a partnership between the Nigerian state and nonprofits, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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  • Heat waves: How France has cut death toll 90% since 2003

    Chagrined by its lack of planning that contributed to many deaths in a 2003 heat wave, France developed a coordinated national response that in 2019 cut the death toll by 90% despite even higher temperatures. By paying particular attention to vulnerable elderly people living alone, and requiring officials at all levels of government to communicate warnings and advice clearly, the government promoted simple safety measures and awareness of risks in effective ways, including discouraging outdoor recreation and closely monitoring and cooling older residents.

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  • 'Lots of us have skeletons:' South Burlington firefighters learn yoga, meditation to stay well

    Vermont’s South Burlington fire department has started offering its firefighters yoga and meditation services as a way to cope with trauma. The services are offered by the Vermont Center for Responder Wellness, which was created as a response to the traumatic experiences many first responders face. The training includes mindfulness, breathing, stretching, and refocusing.

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  • Uganda rolls out a self-injectable birth control method

    To eliminate barriers for access to birth control, Uganda's Advance Family Planning Project has released a new device that allows women to self-inject a dose of contraceptive once every three months. So far, women have reported that it eliminates the need to stand in line at health facilities while also it allowing for privacy.

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  • Multnomah County Trees Are Doing Much More Than We Think

    Friends of Trees, a nonprofit organization in the Portland area, are not just planting trees because they help combat climate change and improve air quality, but because they also help stop major flooding and avoid erosion. While it can be expensive to maintain the trees and clean up the leaves from storm drains, these trees could prevent millions of gallons of rainfall from flooding neighborhoods as extreme weather events are expected to increase in the future.

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  • Building resiliency an elementary school goal

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are implementing several programs to help build resiliency in their students and reduce the risk of suicide. One program includes introducing trauma care coordinators, while another encourages students to write letters about their concerns. Both tactics have had positive results, evident through fewer recorded cases of problematic behavioral issues.

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  • Therapy dog a game-changer at Pleasant Street School

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are introducing pet therapy to better serve their students who are experiencing emotional distress. In one school, the therapy dog acts as "a reward for good behavior, a transition to talking about what happened that made a child misbehave, a way-station for calming and resetting surging emotions, and a bridge for shy youngsters who become animated when speaking to a non-judgmental pet."

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  • Rural Wisconsin communities seek paths to better health care future

    In order to keep already existing health care facilities open while also planning for the possibility of future expansions, a county in rural Iowa is looking for ways to attract new residents to the area. After considering research that shows "having walkable, bikeable communities improves health and the economy," local officials have launched a trail project that promotes physical health as well as a means of transportation.

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  • Greening the Desert With Wastewater

    The Serapium Forest is one of 36 forests in Egypt that are growing because of treated wastewater, part of a country-wide initiative that started 25 years ago as a way to productively use treated sewage water, create forest in the desert, and help minimize desertification. Additionally, the program creates high-quality wood that can be sold, as well as absorbing greenhouse gases.

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