Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These high school runners train in 'nasty air,' so they're working to clean it up

    Grassroots organization can generate change in carbon emissions practices at the community level. In Phoenix, the Chispa nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social justice, is working to get schools to apply to Arizona’s Lower-Emissions Bus program, funded by money paid to the state in the aftermath of Volkswagen’s emissions scandal. By mobilizing volunteers to canvass neighborhoods and attend school board meetings, the group has succeeded in getting at least one school district to purchase an electric bus and implement a pilot program.

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  • How Do You Stop Abusive Relationships? Teach Teens How to Be Respectful Partners

    A program called RAPP (Relationship Abuse Prevention Program) uses safe spaces for teens to talk about their romantic relationships with both peer and adult leaders as a way to prevent abusive relationships through education. It is supported by New York City's Human Resources Administration, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, Day One, and Steps to End Violence and Urban Resource Institute (URI). The program is now in 94 schools across the city, and participants / peer leaders testify to how much it changed their lives.

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  • Sacramento's Plan To Keep Black Children Alive Is Working — And LA Is Watching

    Local officials in Los Angeles County are focusing efforts on leveling the playing field when it comes to health outcomes for infants across races. Although efforts are underway, there are several key takeaways that have worked in Sacramento – such as data analyzation, local community involvement, and culturally sensitive initiatives – that Los Angeles County could model.

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  • How Making Reusable Pads Is Helping Women In Bidibidi

    Menstrual hygiene can be a challenge especially in Bidibidi, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. However, with the help of Catholic Relief Service (CARITAS), women are now being trained in how to make reusable sanitary napkins. Many women have received a sewing machine and can now sell their handmade pads to neighbors, thus providing both an income and a hygienic (and eco-friendly) solution.

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  • How To Bring Cancer Care To The World's Poorest Children

    A hospital in Rwanda is expanding access for cancer treatment while also showing that treating children in impoverished areas doesn't have to be expensive. Through partnerships and low labor costs, doctors at the Butaro Cancer Center of Excellence are able to treat children with cancer living in extremely rural areas at a fraction of the cost.

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  • Doctors in Debt: These Physicians Gladly Struck a Deal With California

    California is offering up to $300,000 of debt relief to doctors who accept Medi-Cal, the state’s version of Medicaid, in an attempt to incentivize physicians to move to the state and serve low-income communities. The program is funded through revenue from the state's tax on tobacco products and has helped 247 physicians and 4o dentists so far.

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  • A Tale of Two PHCs in Niger State: Accessing Equitable Healthcare From Beji to Maito

    In Niger State, not all health clinics are treated equally, but one in the Beji village, Bosso Local Government Area (LGA) acts as a model for other healthcare providers to follow. From proactively educating patients about HIV to offering services most rural health clinics fail to offer, the Beji Primary Health Centre (PHC) "provides all the services a PHC is meant to deliver."

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  • Filling hospitals with art reduces patient stress, anxiety and pain

    Environments designed with soundscapes and visual art help to reduce anxiety and pain. In London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has noted a marked improvement in patient experience, including decreased pain and even a reduction in the time women spent in labor, in the presence of artistic installations. Other hospitals in the UK report similar benefits.

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  • Rural Michigan needs doctors. Paying their debts may be an answer

    A state-funded loan repayment program makes Michigan stand out in a competitive market for doctors and health care professionals. To help reduce the shortfall of healthcare professionals in underserved, rural communities, the Michigan Loan Reimbursement and Employment Solution (MiLES) currently offers student loan repayment in exchange for a multi-year commitment from doctors. The success of the program has generated efforts to expand loan repayment caps and the length of employment commitments for healthcare professionals.

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  • How the Eastern Cherokee in North Carolina use casino profits to revamp health care

    Opting out of US Indian Health Services affords indigenous communities the opportunity to improve their healthcare options. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina, has used profits from the tribe’s casino to help fund a new health care system for their community. In addition to the revenue from the casino resort, the Cherokee Indian Hospital benefits from reimbursements from Medicaid and Medicare. This self-governance in healthcare has improved medical outcomes in the community.

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