Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • One Weight-Loss Approach Fits All? No, Not Even Close

    Losing weight is a struggle for many people and research has shown that one diet does not fit all, some people lose weight on a diet while others gain. For obese individuals, the way to lose weight may be highly personalized and involve a specific diet type, counting calories, or one of many different medications.

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  • Mobile Restrooms Offer Solution for Lower Polk's Homeless Community

    With the homeless population in San Francisco in crisis, the lack of a safe clean place for the homeless to relieve themselves has caused concerns over sanitation in the Tenderloin neighborhood. Now the city offers a mobile City Resource Relief Center, a van that offers not only a toilet but also clothes, hygiene kits, food, and coffee. The project has documented many uses of the bathroom each night.

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  • The Sesame Street of Sex Ed: Ugandan Show Uses Puppets to Break Taboos

    Uganda has some of the highest fertility and HIV prevalence rates in the world. Yet the government has banned comprehensive sexuality education in schools, and parents feel uncomfortable talking about the taboo subject. So Chicken & Chips, a television show about puppets, was created to educate the country’s young people about sexual and reproductive health.

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  • This drug can break opioid addiction. Why aren't we using it?

    Opioid addiction has increased throughout the United States. A clinic in San Francisco has been offering an opioid replacement drug called buphrenorphine to help wean addicts away from opioids. The clinic’s success at healing addicts has served as a model for clinics in other cities around the country.

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  • Sex ed program goes far beyond sex, succeeds by meeting basic needs

    Research has shown that when young people have their basic needs met and feel positive about their futures, they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. The Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program has reduced pregnancy rates by 40 percent in New York by meeting teens educational, emotional, and employment needs.

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  • As Seattle eyes supervised drug-injection sites, is Vancouver a good model?

    King County may become home to the first publicly supervised site in the U.S. where addicts could use illegal drugs such as heroin. The proposal is modeled on Insite, a center in Vancouver, B.C., that has prevented nearly 5,000 overdoses in 13 years and the spread of infectious diseases through supervised injection and a needle exchange program.

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  • ‘Daily mile' craze in Britain hopes to tackle national obesity crisis

    An obesity crisis has spread across Britain. A trend in some schools called "the daily mile" has children put their pens down and run or walk a mile every school day.

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  • South Carolina finds innovative way to help first-time moms

    Thanks to social impact bonds, the Nurse-Family Partnership in South Carolina pairs specially trained nurses with low-income pregnant women for regular home visits, giving the mothers coaching to break the poverty cycle. The state should realize a return on its investment long-term, with lower Medicaid costs, fewer preterm births, bigger gaps between childbirths and fewer emergency room visits.

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  • The Arts of Medicine

    Medical students are trained in medicine but rarely encouraged to develop their personal skills. The University of Washington School of Medicine requires their students to take a course, “Daily Dose of Humanities,” which is intended to help physicians connect with their patients, remember why they wanted to become a doctor, and provide stress coping tactics, through all forms of the arts.

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  • How Cubans Live as Long as Americans at a Tenth of the Cost

    Cuba spends $813 per person annually on health care and provides better care than the U.S., which spends $9,403 per person annually. In the Cuban health care system, doctors use regular checkups to identify at risk patients and give them preventive care, requiring more doctors and personalised care but saving the system money with fewer emergency visits.

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