Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How to integrate community leaders into pandemic preparedness

    Community-based organizations have been key to reaching historically marginalized populations with COVID-19 information. Grassroots leaders and community workers are effective because they have built trust among communities over many years and they have first-hand knowledge of community needs and barriers. The pandemic shifted the priorities of many organizations. For example, the Self Employed Women’s Association now supplies members with PPE kits, food, and handmade masks to address the pandemic’s health and economic impacts. Proper mask usage increased significantly in the villages where they are based.

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  • Opioid Crisis: Northern cities working toward supervised consumption sites

    Oasis is a supervised drug consumption site in Ottawa that reduces the risk of death from accidental overdose and reduces the spread of infectious diseases. In 2020, operating at reduced capacity because of COVID-19, the site had 18,500 visits with no fatalities reported. The site has five booths and distributes clean needles. After registering anonymously, users can spend up to 30 minutes in a booth with medical staff on site. They also have the option of moving to a post-injection space afterwards, which allows the staff more opportunities to connect with users and connect them to other services.

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  • Opioid Crisis: Naloxone kits 'saving a life today, changing it for tomorrow'

    Paramedics with Cochrane District Emergency Medical Services distribute naloxone kits and provide education wherever they are. From coffee shops to their emergency calls on the street, paramedics distribute 20 to 40 naloxone nasal spray kits a month to people dealing with addiction as well as their families and friends. Each ambulance stocks the kits and display stickers that let the public know they are available. They’ve begun offering refill kits that just restock the naloxone itself. An electronic code allows the Cochrane EMS to track how many kits are given out and to provide quality assurance.

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  • Doctor's orders: 'Nature prescriptions' see rise amid pandemic

    Park Rx America is an online platform that helps the growing number of medical professionals who write nature prescriptions for their patients. The database contains thousands of parks and public lands, which prescribers can filter by activity, distance from a patient's home, and other amenities like whether there is a playground for kids. Growing numbers of doctors are prescribing outdoor activities as a treatment for conditions like obesity and anxiety. Writing out actual prescriptions with specific directions about where to go, what to do, and how often to go increases the likelihood of success.

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  • How community saves vulnerable children from hunger, malnutrition

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated hunger and malnutrition of vulnerable children by crippling livelihoods and orphaning children. Two communities have responded by donating land solely devoted to growing crops to tackle hunger and malnutrition in orphans and vulnerable children. Aside from giving crops directly to families to feed children, the volunteers who work the land also sell part of each harvest to raise money for other nutritious food for the children. Part of the crops are also used to make a nutrition powder that helps ensure children are receiving the nutrients they need.

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  • A tall order

    The Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Program and Nutrition Rehabilitation Home in Kathmandu provide resources to children experiencing, or at risk for, malnutrition, which has long been a life-threatening issue in Nepal.

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  • From 30 Million Cases to Zero

    China’s path to officially eliminating malaria began in the 1950s when a scientist in a government-funded program discovered the ancient Chinese herb Wormwood had been used to treat symptoms for centuries and went on to make the world’s top treatment. Effective coordination across many agencies, treating stagnant water, and widespread use of insecticide nets also limited cases. Today China uses the “1-3-7” method where local agencies are told of any likely case within one day, the case is confirmed within three days, and measures are taken to treat the patient and prevent further spread within seven days.

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  • The Struggle of Ending Open Defecation in Adadama, Cross River State

    A community-led sanitation approach ended the practice of open defecation, a major cause of water pollution and stomach diseases. The program educated people to change social norms and laws requiring every household to own a toilet and punishing those who defecated in the river with a substantial fine were critical to its effectiveness. The community drove the program, with widespread adoption made easier by the benefits like fewer flies and less stomach illnesses. Low budget toilets, requiring only labor to dig a hole and resources available in the bush, were constructed so that everyone could afford it.

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  • Lietuvai delsiant, Belgija ne pirmą mėnesį COVID-19 sertifikatus leidžia parsisiųsti tiesiai į namus – kaip tai vyksta?

    Vakcinacijos nuo COVID-19 sertifikatai, padėję valdyti žmonių srautus ir sumažinti užsikrėtimo virusu riziką, Belgijoje yra siunčiami paštu. Žurnalistai domisi, ar Belgijos praktiką galima būtų pritaikyti Lietuvoje, kur prieiga prie sertifikatų tuomet vis dar buvo komplikuota.

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  • Helping migrant mothers to give their babies a healthy start

    AMURTEL Greece offers support for immigrant women from pregnancy until their babies are two years old. AMURTEL offers one-on-one appointments with midwives and infant feeding consultants, group classes, and peer-to-peer support groups with people from similar origins. Midwives can visit mothers in their homes or refugee camps. Breastfeeding support is an important focus of the organization, since many new mothers who would breastfeed in their home countries feel discouraged to do so by Western doctors.

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