Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nutrition Interventions Securing Livelihoods in Hard-to-Reach Areas of Borno

    Doctors Without Borders treats malnutrition in areas of Nigeria facing food shortages due to violence and insurgency. When safe, it runs a mobile clinic to provide basic health care, including nutritional support, particularly to children. When communities are not safe enough to enter, the organization trains community members in basic patient care and provides them the tools to run basic tests and treat malnutrition. Community health workers are also trained to treat patients, dispense medications, and educate caregivers about child nutrition.

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  • How a Richmond nonprofit is breaking barriers to mental health access among youth

    ChildSavers is a Richmond-based nonprofit offering students access to mental health services. The organization has group therapy sessions specifically focused on race and race-based stressors, along with telehealth and outpatient services.

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  • Welcome to Marshall County: Rural, red and at the top in Kansas for COVID-19 vaccination

    The vaccination rate of Marshall County is six percentage points higher than the state overall, a success that is built on an existing infrastructure of public health and trust-building that predates the pandemic. The county made a detailed plan for the vaccine rollout well before vaccines arrived and residents trust the health department because it provides 90% of the population with routine immunizations. The health department also works one-on-one with residents to answer vaccine questions, which is a more effective way of combating misinformation than a generalized outreach campaign.

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  • The Big Idea: using AI to breed more sustainable crops

    For the past 200 years, crops have been bred for yield, for feeding livestock, rather than nutritional value. However, as more people shift away from meat the industry is looking to produce crops for flavor and nutritional value. Yet, finding the right crops with the right traits can take a long time. One company is trying to speed up the process. Equinom, is a company that is using AI technology to select the best genes from each plant and then predict the outcomes. The technology has resulted in 100k acres of specialized crops.

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  • How Does Treating Gun Violence As A Public Health Crisis Work? One Bronx Program Offers A Potential Flagship Model

    Stand Up to Violence is the only street-outreach gun-violence-prevention program in New York that centers its work in hospitals. Street outreach is a policing alternative that uses former gang members and formerly incarcerated people to intervene before arguments turn deadly. Hospital-based intervention work puts counselors and mediators at gunshot victims' bedside to start the intervention, and offers of services, at the earliest stage. In a four-year span, the areas covered by Stand Up, based at Jacobi Medical Center, saw many fewer shootings and instances where victims got shot again.

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  • The search for the Dr. Fauci of climate change

    The key to delivering more comprehensive medical care might involve 'climate medicine.' The purpose of climate medicine involves educating doctors about how to approach the treatment of people affected by the changing environment--think respiratory issues, for example. The first ever fellowship involving climate-focused medical education for doctors came about in 2017, with the aim of embedding those doctors within federal agencies dealing with climate change.

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  • Julia Burke Maternity Centre blends trado-modern methods to provide quality care

    The GEANCO Foundation provides services to increase the health of pregnant women, including an anemia clinic that provides free antenatal care and a stipend to support women’s nutritional needs. Because many women prefer to give birth with traditional birth attendants (TBAs), they’ve trained hundreds of TBAs to provide safe and hygienic care to pregnant women. Post-training, TBAs are supervised by a nurse midwife for compliance and lab technicians test women for more serious complications. GEANCO built sanitary modular clinics, with beds and a delivery room, for two TBAs with plans for more.

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  • 'What most kids need': How one school community got SMART when its rural hospital closed

    School Health Model for Academics Reaching All and Transforming Lives (SMART) clinics are school-based clinics that fill in rural healthcare gaps. SMART clinics are fully funded for three years and then must be self-sustaining. Nurse practitioners and physicians provide routine medical care, like checkups and treating minor illnesses and injuries. Licensed social workers assess the needs of each student and provide onsite counseling, which has reduced the stigma of seeking mental health treatments. Care is free to all students, while community members who use the clinic are billed a co-pay.

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  • Big shots: The multicultural hustle for herd immunity in New Orleans

    As demand for vaccinations plateaued and vaccination rates in Louisiana lagged outside of New Orleans, health officials found a variety of targeted, small events to reach various subcultures. These pop-up events dealt in small numbers, but chipped away at people's hesitancy with easy access, information, and community leaders' endorsements. And, this being Louisiana, the vaccination events often featured music and local delicacies, from boiled crawfish to beignets and booze.

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  • India's healthcare workers are busting misinformation on WhatsApp

    Accredited social health activists (ASHA) across India fight COVID-19 related misinformation on WhatsApp. ASHAs provide basic health care to people in their villages, which puts them on the frontline of treating COVID-19 patients and educating people to dispel the many myths about the virus and its treatments. ASHAs' local interactions often identify prevailing myths, which they quickly dispel in their face-to-face exchanges and by posting in the many local WhatsApp groups that have been created. The local groups have been an effective mode of educating people and helped ASHAs gain villagers’ trust.

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