Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • ¿Qué se necesita para hacerse una mamografía en Costa Rica?

    Una alianza público-privada permite aumentar el número de mamografías que se realizan en las zonas rurales de Costa Rica, fortaleciendo los programas de tamizaje organizado del país y aumentando la detección temprana de este cáncer.

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  • Lauko klasės, atskirti mokinių srautai ir testavimas – Vilniaus mokykla išmoko pandemijos pamokas

    Per COVID-19 pandemiją privati Demokratinė mokykla viena pirmųjų Lietuvoje sugrąžino vaikus į klases ir sugebėjo užtikrinti itin mažą sergamumą. Mokyklos bendruomenei tai pavyko perkeliant dalį ugdymo į lauko klases, reguliuojant vaikų srautus ir plačiai taikant testavimą. Ar gali Demokratinės mokyklos pandemijos valdymo strategija būti pritaikyta ir kitose Lietuvos mokyklose?

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  • Maternal Health And Scan Use In Uganda

    M-SCAN is improving maternal health outcomes in Uganda by offering mobile ultrasounds to pregnant women. The health ministry recommends at least one ultrasound before a woman gives birth, but there are many barriers to access of these scans, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. M-SCAN has brought scans to over 1,000 women. The scans are brought to the homes of pregnant women at no cost. The mobile ultrasound scans have improved the ability of medical professionals to provide appropriate care to mothers and their newborns and have also decreased mothers’ anxieties by giving them peace of mind.

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  • Partner Notification services vital in HIV Control

    The Assisted Partner Notification Service is a World Health Organization-backed strategy that aims to reach out to sexual partners of people diagnosed with HIV to encourage them to get tested in an effort to contain the HIV pandemic. From May 2018 to September 2019, the notification service tested a total of 29,249 women, detecting 1,120 positive cases which then led the service to reach out to a number of male partners to continue to facilitate testing.

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  • Newborn Units save babies' lives in Kenya

    The Newborn Unit exists to care for premature babies in an effort to reduce infant deaths. The NBU began in April 2010 and has the capacity to accommodate 30 babies, making infant care more accessible. The Unit also offers neonatal resuscitation training to equip healthcare workers with the knowledge and skills on how to save the lives of newborns.

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  • How programs across Colorado aim to end "period poverty" with free tampons and pads

    The Grace Upon Grace Project seeks to address period poverty – the inability of people who menstruate to afford sanitary supplies – by providing free access to tampons and pads. The organization hosts a monthly free product distribution event that serves hundreds of people. They advertise events on social media, but will also provide a set number of supplies to people in need who contact them in-between events. The organization will deliver supplies to those who qualify but cannot access the events. Women can also receive supplies of diapers and pull-ups for children if needed.

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  • Yadda wasu jama'ar unguwa ke tallafawa asibiti domin al'umma a Kano

    Yan unguwa sun cire takaicin yan'uwa masu zuwa asibiti dake fuskantar kalubalai daban daban. Hadin hannu da kungiyuyi wurin ci ma burin tallafa wa asibitoci da kuman kara jindadin jama'a masu zuwa.

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  • How to Order an Abortion Online

    Demand for self-managed abortions increased as more states restrict women’s access to care. AidAccess provides women with abortion pills via affordable virtual consultations with its 10 medical providers, serving all 50 states. Pills are mailed to patients’ homes and are about 95% effective ending pregnancies before 11 weeks' gestation, which accounts for the majority of abortions nationwide. Self-administered abortions are even legal under Texas’ extremely restrictive anti-abortion law, with hits on AidAccess’ website increasing to about 30,000 (from the average of 2,000) after the Texas law took effect.

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  • Not the 'Devil's work': Reversing Club Foot Deformities in Children

    Miraclefeet is a U.S. based nonprofit that provides free clubfoot treatment in 29 countries, including 15 in Africa. Following Ponseti, a nonsurgical treatment plan, caregivers gently manipulate a child’s feet by stretching them into the correct position and using plaster of Paris to cast the foot in that position. After 5-8 weeks, children wear braces for 23 hours every day for the first three months, then only while sleeping for 3-5 years, in order to maintain the correction. The brace is made up of a special shoe that is clipped to a bar. The treatment is less expensive and 98% effective when done early.

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  • Jama'ar unguwa na gina wa kansu kwalbati ta kusan miliyan 5 a Kano

    Masu Unguwa sun dauki matakin rage matsalar yadu war cuttuka da rashin gudanar kwalbatin ke harfa (kaman chizon sauro da muma amai da gudawa) ta hanyan hada hannu da kuma tarin kudi da al'umma, maza da mata. Jama'a sun fara ganin amfanin aiki da che wa cuttutuka sun ragu duk da che wa ba an kammala saran aikin kwalbatin ba.

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