Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Native Americans embrace vaccine, virus containment measures

    At the Cherokee Indian Hospital in North Carolina, approximately 3,000 tribal members have received at least the first dose of the Covid vaccine. The tribe credits the quick and large response to trust in the hospital and how outreach was conducted – rather than have people compete for sign ups, the hospital reached out directly to those most at risk.

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  • Pandemic prompts changes to HIV testing and treatment across Arizona

    Amid the pandemic, doctors and case managers have had to introduce new ways to provide care for those with HIV. In Arizona, that has included an introduction of telehealth, drive-thru testings sites, and mobilizing a van to travels throughout neighborhoods.

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  • Vacina agendada por app e 2ª dose: brasileiros contam experiência em Israel

    Israel mostra eficiência ao vacinar população contra Covid-19 logo que os primeiros imunizantes foram disponibilizados. Pesquisas apontaram que as pessoas contamindas na região, mas vacinadas, tiveram sintomas leves da doença.

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  • A handful of Washington schools are rapid testing staff and students for COVID-19. Is it working?

    13 Washington school districts are piloting COVID-19 testing. By doing so, they can catch stop asymptomatic people from spreading the virus, offer testing to families who might not have access, and add a “sense of security for many staff members who are nervous.” Three of the districts participating “have tested more than 4,000 people using nearly 10,000 tests.”

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  • هل جراحة الترميم هي ما تحتاجه نساء أثّر الختان على حياتهن؟

    تزايد الترويج لعملية ترميم البظر داخل مصر كحل لمشكلة الختان، لكن هل هناك فعلا حاجة لعمل جراحي؟ تطرح القصة أسئلة عن مدى فاعلية هذا الحل في ظل غياب توثيق لنتائج العمليات.

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  • 16 Raleigh churches begin to chip away at NC's inequity in vaccine distribution

    A partnership between WakeMed and Wake County Public Health made 1,700 shots available with vaccine clinics in 16 churches and a community center. Trusted messengers, like pastors, are more effective at communicating why people should get vaccinated and convincing them to actually get the shot. Local availability helps people overcome transportation and other equity concerns, like needing access to the county’s online registration system or waiting on hold to make an appointment. The sites offered on-site registration and on-site and culturally and linguistically appropriate information.

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  • LRT ieško sprendimų: kodėl Danija skiepija greičiau nei kitos ES šalys?

    Danijoje visuomenė nuo COVID-19 per pandemiją buvo skiepijama kur kas sparčiau, nei kitose Europos šalyse. Su kiekvienu piliečiu šalyje per sveikatos elektroninę sistemą susisiekiama, paskiriamas vakcinacijos laikas, vykdoma plati informavimo apie skiepų naudą kampanija, aiškinama apie tai, kodėl vienos socialinės grupės turi prioritetą pasiskiepyti anksčiau negu kitos. Ko galėtų pasimokyti Lietuva?

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  • Ce que nous apprend la campagne de vaccination massive en Israël

    Dans la course à la vaccination, Israël occupe la pole position. Alors qu’un tiers des Israéliens sont déjà vaccinés, les premières études évoquent une baisse des infections après deux doses.

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  • How Promotoras De Salud Are Fighting Vaccine Conspiracies In Chicago's Latino Communities

    Promotoras de salud, also known as community health workers, are helping to connect Latino immigrants with reliable and factual information about COVID-19. Using a peer-to-peer outreach model, a team of seven promotoras de salud from Centro San Bonifacio have "interacted with more than 4,000 Spanish speakers in Chicago."

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  • Farmers Can be Isolated and Unsure How to Seek Support. One State is Trying to Help.

    The state of Wisconsin has launched a pilot initiative that aims to help farmers who are dealing with job stressors access mental health services including "a 24-hour wellness hotline, tele-counseling sessions and vouchers for in-person visits with participating mental health providers." While some of the services have proved more successful than the others, as a whole, use of the counseling services has increased, especially as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

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