Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • For Some Transgender People, Pandemic Paves Path To Transition

    In Connecticut, the adoption of telehealth services during the coronavirus pandemic has eliminated a number of barriers many transgender people seeking to transition. Even though programs and clinics existed prior to the pandemic, the option to use telehealth instead allows patients to "seek care from wherever they want, wearing whatever they choose, presenting however they feel comfortable."

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  • World in Progress: Colombian women access tele-abortions during pandemic

    In Colombia – where having an abortion can be stigmatizing, in some cases illegal, and now even more difficult due to the coronavirus pandemic – a clinic has set up a national hotline to help women who are up to 10 weeks pregnant aaccess to safe abortions at home. So far, the clinic has connected with 700 women.

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  • 'We Don't Feel Forgotten At All': Alaska Fires Up COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

    Alaska has achieved one of the highest vaccination rates in the country due to prioritizing access to the vaccine for rural and Indigenous residents. Using a myriad of transportation efforts – including a fleet of chartered planes, a water taxi drove, and sleds pulled behind snow machines – clinicians have been able to deliver thousands of doses to these remote communities.

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  • Therapy From the Living Room

    When the coronavirus pandemic made in-person therapy sessions too risky to schedule, therapists in the Czech Republic moved their services online and set up a hotline for patients to call when needed. Although it's yet to be seen if the service will remain financially viable in regards to health insurance reimbursements, it has helped eliminate many barriers including transportation troubles and feelings of stigma.

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  • After #EndSARS, community support helps Nigerians heal wounds

    To help alleviate the psychological toll of protesting against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Lagos, two advocacy groups spearheaded a helpline that connected callers with counselors and listeners. The helpline uses task-sharing, so that calls are routed to either trained mental health counselors or psychotherapists and psychiatrists, depending on the severity of the concerns.

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  • How Tayi PHC in Niger is increasing FP services through community-focused advocacy

    The local primary health center in Tayi, a new community in Chanchaga Local Government Area of Niger state, has helped normalize the discussion of family planning which includes topics such as primary health care delivery and contraception. The center provides on-site educational opportunities but has also partnered with religious leaders to especially help the conversation reach men.

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  • After a sexual assault, where can you get a medical and forensic exam?

    A critical element in responding to rapes with trauma-informed victim care that aids an eventual prosecution is a sexual assault forensic exam. Rape kits, as they are known, are best administered by highly trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs). But the first nationwide census of available SANEs shows enormous gaps in availability and training. Federal aid since 2005 has helped improve care, and some states have innovated workarounds, including regional mobile SANE units for underserved areas.

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  • Aid groups aim to bring health care to migrants on way to US

    The Global Response Management is a humanitarian nonprofit led by U.S. military veterans and staffed by U.S. volunteers and "paid asylum seekers who were medical professionals in their homelands" that offers medical help to migrants at two clinics in Matamoros, Mexico – including, most recently, COVID-19 antibody tests. Although the organization's future is uncertain, it is not alone in its efforts, and it and other humanitarian aid organizations plan to continue collecting health data.

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  • Saving mums and their unborn babies

    Women who faced difficulty getting to the nearest hospital when they were in labor, organized to raise money to buy a car that could be used as an emergency vehicle. Although having the car has helped significantly with accessing the hospital, it's not a fail-proof system and can be costly for the community to maintain. The state government was impressed with the scheme, however, and has launched an initiative that helps provide financial incentives to drivers for the program.

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  • Como o povo Ashaninka não pegou Covid-19 até agora

    A reportagem mostra que o povo Ashaninka, no Acre, segue um rígido isolamento e protocolos de higiene para evitar a propagação da Covid-19. Até dezembro de 2020, a aldeia não havia registrado nenhum caso da doença.

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