Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Minnesota has figured out a way to help stressed farmers. Can it be replicated?

    The Rural Mental Health Outreach program in Minnesota is helping farmers in the region to tackle mental health challenges that are related to the stresses involved in their profession. Other states have taken notice of the program's success and are now piloting similar programs as a means of addressing a rising concern of suicide within the farming industry.

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  • How to Bring Care to Mental Health Emergencies

    Oklahoma mental health and police agencies supply free tablets to police departments, enabling officers summoned to a mental health crisis to connect on the spot with a licensed mental health professional. The telehealth solution has virtually eliminated forced hospitalizations in Claremore, where officers use the tablets on multiple 911 calls daily. The tablet program, also used in Oklahoma City, serves as a temporary fix while state officials debate more permanent ways to limit potentially violent and unhelpful interactions between mentally ill people and police with little training in their care.

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  • The Black Doctors Working To Make Coronavirus Testing More Equitable

    Comprised of doctors, nurses, and medical students, the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium is helping to bring free coronavirus testing to Black Philadelphians who are "contracting the coronavirus and dying from COVID-19 at greater rates than everyone else." The program, which offers testing via mobile test units to around 350 per day, has gained the recognition throughout the city, resulting in funding from city leaders, foundations, and individuals.

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  • Health on Wheels: Tricked-Out RVs Deliver Addiction Treatment to Rural Communities

    Because access to addiction treatment is difficult in rural communities, a state program in Colorado has allowed for RV's to be turned into mobile clinics, which has proved especially useful during the coronavirus pandemic. Not only do the mobile clinics offer services such as testing, but they also provide internet access for patients who need to connect with a doctor.

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  • Addressing a lack of culturally sensitive healthcare for Cambodian and Vietnamese communities in O.C.

    Orange County’s health agency has partnered with community groups to improve access to health care services, including mental health care, for its Vietnamese and Cambodian residents. The social services agency provides medical interpreters and local providers have made an effort to hire doctors and nurses who speak the languages. Several community groups ensure that residents receive culturally relevant health information while also connecting people to food, housing, and other assistance to address social determinants of health. Case managers help navigate the healthcare system and offer emotional support.

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  • Heroes of the pandemic: “When the world is burning, I feel I must help put out the fire”

    A group of health professionals known as Latinx Advocacy Team & Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19, or LATIN-19, is helping to bring coronavirus-specific health care access to North Carolina's Latino community. Because the group operates across county lines, they have become well-known amongst the local communities, helping to not only provide much-needed health care services, but also increase awareness around the dangers of the virus.

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  • How active community case search transformed testing in Kano State

    Kano State, once the epicenter in Nigeria for cases of COVID-19, now boasts the highest rate of daily testing numbers after piloting a community-sampling strategy that allowed for mass testing. The pilot was largely possible due to a massive community mobilization effort and resulted in a decline in community transmission.

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  • Com uso de aplicativo e posto de saúde, aldeia indígena no Xingu registra zero mortes por covid-19

    Indígenas da aldeia Ipatse adaptaram um aplicativo para rastrear casos suspeitos de Covid-19, inauguraram a própria unidade de saúde com cilindros de oxigênio e contrataram médico e enfermeira com dinheiro de doações. Até setembro de 2020, quando a reportagem foi publicada, não havia nenhum óbito causado pela Covid-19.

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  • Community Insurance Bridges Health Care Gap

    Uganda has introduced community health insurance plans that helps serve those who do not find the free health insurance suffienct but find private insurance too expensive. Although it doesn't appease everyone and some drop out after joining, it has still served more than 10,000 people since implementation.

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  • Por que o Uruguai tem tão poucos casos de covid-19

    A reportagem é sobre como o Uruguai conseguiu ter o melhor resultado de enfrentamento contra a pandemia de Covid-19 na América Latina. Mostra que a estabilidade política, valorização da ciência e rastreamento de casos foram algumas das ações efetivas.

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