Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Armas de Costa Rica ante el coronavirus: confinamiento oportuno, disciplina ciudadana y Ebáis

    Costa Rica ha demostrado un manejo ejemplar de la pandemia: menos de 900 casos, más del 65% se recuperaron y solo 10 fallecieron (1,1%). Un sistema de salud centralizado y universal, más de 1,000 clínicas satélites coordinadas dentro del sistema de salud, las acciones tempranas y la disciplina de los habitantes han sido clave. Este reportaje incluye todas las medidas y las explica.

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  • The doctor is online: Telehealth may become big part of new normal

    The move to telemedicine was made necessary due to the coronavirus outbreak, but in Vermont, many health clinics are planning to continue incorporating the practice even after the pandemic dissipates. Although there are limitations to telehealth such as connectivity issues, many health care providers in the state are reporting that the elimination of barriers for their patients are still significant successes.

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  • Solutions to restore inmates' mental health and get them to trial

    In Texas, legislators and advocates are working to address mental health concerns for individuals entering or in the criminal justice system. For those already in jail, telepsychiatry is being offered to help rehabilitate inmates. For those just entering the system, a mental health court in Travis County has been developed to connect people with needed mental health services so that they can stand trial and even have their cases dismissed.

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  • La paradoja peruana

    Perú fue el primer país de América Latina en decretar cuarentena general obligatoria. El gobierno reaccionó rápido, implementó medidas estrictas y contempló ayudas económicas que fueron ejemplares para la región. Entonces, ¿por qué se han disparado los casos de contagiados en el país? ¿Qué fue lo que falló?

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  • Paraguay se aísla y mantiene el coronavirus bajo control

    Este artículo explica las medidas de Paraguay para contener el COVID-19. Junto a Costa Rica y Uruguay, Paraguay es uno de los países de América que tiene menos casos y muertes. El 80% de su población, según el artículo, ha sido extremadamente disciplinado con el encierro.

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  • Virtual house calls flourish in the age of coronavirus

    A community health care clinic in Oregon’s Wallowa County has been able to offer mental health services to its clients during the coronavirus pandemic thanks in part to an already-established virtual practice. In place to better serve the rural community, the clinic's telehealth option has gained even more popularity since social distancing became a necessity. Although the practice isn't without its limitations, such as access to internet, overall, the expanded access has helped reduce the impacts of isolation.

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  • COVID spurs rural telehealth, but not without hardship

    To better address the necessary adaptions made to the health care system during the coronavirus pandemic, such as utilizing telemedince to abide by social distancing regulations, health insurance companies in North Carolina have altered their billing rules and increased reimbursement rates for virtual appointments. Realizing that telemedicine isn't ideal for all patients due to connectivity inequities, medical centers are also trying to offer WiFi hotspots and outdoor visits in parking lots.

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  • A ‘Pandemic's-worth of Triggers' Are Causing an Increase in Relapses Across the Country. Here's How Appalachians Are Coping.

    Stay-at-home orders and social distancing can worsen opioid addiction problems, and so some health providers, social media, and agencies in opioid-heavy Appalachia have devised ways to turn a threat into an opportunity. To counter isolation and denial of in-person counseling, forums on Reddit have thrived as virtual support groups. Video conferencing has proved a boon to telemedicine and counselors, extending the reach of services. Treatment providers and even Kentucky's prisons are distributing medications in novel ways to help people maintain sobriety and avoid overdoses.

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  • Is Ghana the Model the Developing World Needs Against the Virus?

    Faced with limited resources and the pressure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Ghana implemented a variety of measures during the early stages of the pandemic. Those measures, which include pool testing and drone deliveries to rural areas, may prove to be successful after the country reported "a fatality rate of 0.7 percent per 1 million population." Can other African countries and beyond learn from Ghana's example?

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  • Coronavirus test sites are opening in East Oakland's most impacted neighborhoods

    Rather than send local residents to city-run testing sites in the East Bay of California, clinics in East Oakland are now running their own testing sites to better serve their community. Although one of the sites has already tested nearly 100 people and residents who are underinsured or uninsured can be tested for free, some believe the effort should have started much sooner.

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