Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Public health workers innovate around social distancing guidelines

    A fleet of mobile health units across the nation have been helping low-income and immigrant communities to access public health care resources, but during the coronavirus pandemic, the focus has shifted to providing relevant safety information. Leveraging the trust that has been developed over time, public health care workers are utilizing social media to distribute information and resources until they can until they can begin "delivering medications in partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers, a safety net for uninsured and undocumented people."

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  • COVID-19: les leçons du dépistage à grande échelle de l'Islande

    Pour mieux comprendre le phénomène de contagion du virus, l'Islande a mis en place un système de dépistage de masse. Axé sur une politique préventive menée dès le début de l'épidémie, le dispositif est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le gouvernment et une firme privée. Les résultats montrent qu'une large partie de la population est infectée mais asymptomatique.

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  • Lessons From the HIV Epidemic for the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Both the successes and failures of the nationwide Ending the HIV Epidemic plan offers lessons for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for rural parts of the United States. One significant lesson is that of addressing health disparities linked to social determinants that prevent community members from accessing affordable or reliable health care. When "structural access to healthcare," was addressed in cities where HIV rates were higher, many saw those rates decrease, especially when the Affordable Care Act led to the expansion of Medicaid.

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  • Coronavirus : aux Pays-Bas, le gouvernement mise sur le « confinement intelligent »

    Le Pays Bas, qui possède l'un des meilleurs systèmes de santé d'Europe, a décidé de se tester l'immunité collective de sa population face au coronavirus. Cette politique gouvernementale est fondée sur le respect de la vie privée, permettant aux individus de faire leur propre choix pour limiter la contagion. Des mesures sont en place pour protéger les populations vulnérables.

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  • Texas group empowers Latino parents to advocate for children with disabilities

    A nonprofit organization in Texas is helping Hispanic and immigrant families navigate "a complicated health system for children with disabilities" by providing access to resources and support. Offering resources such as educational toolkits and classes, while also helping to create a sense of community for parents who are similarly struggling with the healthcare system, the program known as VELA operates on a six-week program schedule, and regularly graduates 100 families in each cycle.

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  • 환자복 운송에 살균까지...코로나19 극복 앞장 의료용 로봇

    코로나19로 인한 의료 물자 부족에 대응, 중국에서는 체온 측정 로봇이, 한국에서는 살균 로봇이 개발되어 의료진 과부하를 완화하는데 일조하고 있습니다.

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  • Medizinprofessor erklärt: "Diese sieben Dinge können wir von Wuhan lernen"

    In China flaut die Corona-Krise allmählich ab. Nach offiziellen Angaben gibt es kaum mehr Neuinfektionen – nur solche, die von Einreisenden stammen. Ein deutscher Professor erklärt, welche sieben Lehren wir hierzulande daraus ziehen können, damit die Kurve abflacht. DIe wichtigste Erkenntnis: Keine Normalität solange es keine medizinischen Mittel gegen Corona gibt.

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  • Here's how doctors are monitoring more than 350 Delaware coronavirus patients virtually

    In Delaware, doctors have turned to telehealth amidst the COVID19 pandemic to treat patients safely and remotely. Using systems called ChristianaCare and CarVio, doctors are monitoring more than 350 coronavirus-positive patients, reaching out to them up to four times daily. The platforms are also being used for individuals without COVID19, who need to see a doctor for other reasons, but don’t want to risk visiting in person.

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  • Digitale Kontrolle, staatliche Fürsorge: Was wir von Singapurs Corona-Kurs lernen können

    Singapur hat es geschafft, durch eine frühe und umfassende Reaktion auf das Coronavirus nicht zum nächsten Pandemie-Herd zu werden. Das Land hat aus der Sars-Epidemie 2003 gelernt und bereits frühzeitig damit angefangen, auf Covid-19 zu testen, Reisebeschränkungen zu verhängen und Kontakte zurückzuverfolgen. Das strikte Vorgehen stößt in der Bevölkerung auf Zustimmung.

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  • Dépister le virus: comment l'Allemagne réussit à tester cinq fois plus qu'en France

    A titre de comparaison avec la France, l'Allemagne a développé rapidement une meilleure capacité de dépistage de sa population. Ce succès relatif provient en partie d'une coordination efficace entre le gouvernment et certaines entreprises pharmaceutiques solicitées pour la création de tests.

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