Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 초기대응 빨랐던 대구…뉴욕·베르가모와는 달랐다

    대구는 코로나19의 국내 확산 중심지였음에도, 발빠른 민관협력, 적극적 초기대응 덕분에 국제사회가 주목하는 방역모델이 되었습니다.

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  • Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung

    Eine US-Firma hat ein neuartiges Verfahren entwickelt, um aus Kohlendioxid Alkohol herzustellen. Wegen Corona wurde nun aber die Produktion umgestellt – von Wodka zu Desinfektionsmittel.

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  • Corona: 3-D-Drucker gegen medizinische Engpässe

    In der italienischen Provinz Brescia hat eine Initiative dazu geführt, dass Teile aus dem 3-D-Drucker in Beatmungsgeräten zum Einsatz kommen, weil medizinisches Equipment knapp wird. Die Druckanleitungen sind Open-Source. Darum haben auch deutsche Unternehmen angekündigt, ihre Drucker dafür einsetzen zu wollen – zunächst müssen aber Copyrights und Patente geprüft werden.

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  • Des plates-formes assurent le suivi des malades infectés par le coronavirus à domicile

    En France, la plate-forme Covidom, comme l’application Covid AP-HM, permettent un suivi quotidien et automatisé des malades atteints du coronavirus mais ne nécessitant pas d’hospitalisation.

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  • [밀착카메라] 검체 채취까지 5분…워킹스루 진료소 가보니

    인천공항을 통해 입국하는 외국인들을 빠르고 효율적으로 검사하기 위해 공항 한 켠에 워킹스루 진료소가 설치되었습니다. 이에 더해 자가진단앱과 이동자 분리 등을 통한 신뢰도 높은 검역 시스템이 해외입국자들의 호응을 얻고 있습니다.

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  • States swap COVID-19 test supplies to fight shortage

    Facing a supply shortage, North Dakota and South Dakota arranged a no-cost swap of needed COVID19 testing supplies. Both states are part of the Northern Plains Consortium, made up of five states’ public health lab workers in an ongoing effort to collaborate and learn from one another. And those relationships paid off when the Dakotas needed to cooperate to share supplies in order to test their residents.

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  • These Philly doctors have COVID-19, but they're still treating patients — virtually

    Philadelphia medical centers had to pivot their services in response to COVID-19, turning to telehealth to screen patients who think they’re experiencing symptoms. That pivot took some adjusting – having to hire and train staff in the technology and process and scaling their services to meet the massive spike in online appointments. Doing so has let places like Jefferson Health and Penn Medicine see close to 10x the patients they usually see.

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  • Coronavirus in Illinois: Small Clinics Struggle To Stay Open While Keeping Medical Staff Safe

    For smaller clinics in the midwest, taking extra precautions against COVID19 while still serving patients has led to creative solutions. For the Midwest Express Clinics, they’re keeping certain locations open for COVID19 patients, while directing others to different locations. For staff, they’re taking extra precautions with drive-up testing and additional personal protective equipment.

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  • Wie Schwangere während Corona im Netz Hilfe finden

    Online-Sprechstunden, Facebookgruppen, Instagram-Tagebücher unterstützen unsichere schwangere Frauen in Zeiten, in denen der persönliche Ausstausch fehlt. Die Zahl der Follower: steigend.

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  • Why Germany's Coronavirus Death Rate Is Far Lower Than In Other Countries

    Compared to its European counterparts, Germany has one of the lowest coronavirus fatality rates, around 0.5%. Experts credit the low rate to the country's decentralized diagnostic systems that allow federal states to make their own decisions about testing. The country has averaged about 120,000 tests a week since late February.

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