Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Coronavirus Testing Goes Mobile in Seattle

    In early January, doctors at UW Medical Center began preparing for a coronavirus outbreak by transforming a research lab into a screening center for coronavirus that delivers results within a day. Now, coupled with a mobile clinic that allows for people to be tested from within the confines of their cars, the city has been able to test a large volume of people more safely than if they were being tested from within a hospital.

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  • COVID-19: Il aurait fallu s'inspirer de Taïwan, mais c'est trop tard

    Plusieurs pays d'Asie ont rapidemment instauré des mesures efficaces pour limiter la propagation de la pandémie au sein de leurs populations. Ces stratégies pour contenir la contagion auraient pu constituer un modèle de réponse pour les pays européens. Toutefois, ces dispositifs soulèvent des questions en termes de respect de la vie privée.

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  • Coronavirus : et si la Corée du Sud avait trouvé la bonne stratégie ?

    La réaction immédiate de la Corée du Sud face à la pandémie a permis de réduire la croissance rapide du nombre de cas de personnes infectées par le Covid-19. Le pays a donné la priorité au dépistage massif, au criblage systématique, et à la responsabilisation collective.

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  • Tom Hanks Got Sick in Australia, Where Coronavirus Testing Isn't Such a Hassle

    As the United States struggles to test all citizens exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus, Australia and Canada are offering lessons about best practices for preparing for a pandemic. Having learned from previous outbreaks, these countries implemented protocols such as a national hotline, easy-access to information about testing sites, and "an agency to coordinate and help finance testing and treatment during any kind of viral or disease outbreak" – all of which help make testing more efficient.

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  • Singapore Wins Praise For Its COVID-19 Strategy. The U.S. Does Not

    As countries respond in different ways to the COVID19 pandemic, those with systematic government approaches have proven to be strongest thus far. Places like Hong Kong and Singapore created immediate systems for testing and quarantining, putting quick pressure on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. On the opposite end, places like Iran and the United States have fared worse because of a lack of immediate response and capacity for testing.

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  • Experts Credit South Korea's Extensive Testing For Curbing Coronavirus Spread

    South Korea has had an extremely effective response to the coronavirus because of its fast and widespread use of testing. There are now drive-through tests available where people recommended by their doctor can take a test from the safety of their vehicle. This decreases the chances of transmission and lowers the stress of both patient and doctor. As a result, the rate of increase has been slowing since February 29, 2020.

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  • South Korea Shows World How to Slow Spread of Coronavirus

    South Korea has taken a softer approach to preventing and containing the coronavirus, in large part because they’ve prioritized accessible testing and have an already-existing strong and affordable healthcare system. Beyond that, the government has centered on citizen education – sending daily updates about new cases and provided a hotline for questions and concerns.

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  • 코로나19: 한국은 어떻게 이렇게 빨리, 많은 양의 검사를 할 수 있었나

    진단 제품 긴급사용승인제도, 선별진료 및 드라이브스루 진료, 정확도 높은 검사법 채택 등을 통해 한국은 단시간 내에 기록적인 양의 코로나19 검사를 시행할 수 있었습니다.

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  • NC community centers prepare for COVID-19

    Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, North Carolina's health centers are relying on old methods to reach and educate uninsured and medically vulnerable patients, many of whom don't have access to the internet. Staff are posting fliers in commonly-trafficked locations, hanging signs at health centers, taking out television ads, and asking community leaders to relay hygiene guidelines by word of mouth.

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  • Seattle Health Care System Offers Drive-Through Coronavirus Testing For Workers

    Health care workers at the University of Washington are now able to get tested for coronavirus via a drive-through. Providing both convenience and safety by limiting exposure of the potentially ill, the test only takes five minutes and those tested usually get their results within a day.

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