Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How to Fight a Soaring Drug Price: Innovate

    Throughout the country, issues of health care exclusivity and rising drug prices are being addressed with creative solutions. Innovating new medicines and medicine deliver systems, such as an alternative EpiPen, is proving to be a helpful way to work around these surging prices.

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  • In rural India, MIT grads aim to improve access to sanitary pads for women

    For women in rural parts of India, it is common to not be taught about the role menstruation plays due to the stigma that surrounds the topic. To bring both a better understanding and better hygienic practices to these areas, a startup has started using "locally-sourced banana fiber to create biodegradable sanitary napkins, which degrade faster if buried and don’t have to be burned" with the goal of increasing access.

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  • Sometimes, It Does Hurt To Ask

    Transgender people are using crowdfunding sites to raise money to pay for gender confirmation surgeries. “"It was such a surreal feeling. I was looking at the number in my PayPal," Moog says. It didn't quite sink in that the surgery was now entirely possible.” Foundations like the Jim Collins Foundation also help cover the costs of surgery. In 2017 the Jim Collins Foundation awarded 13 grants for gender confirmation surgery.

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  • A Fix for Gender Bias in Health Care? Check

    At Johns Hopkins, implicit gender bias was recognized as one of the main reasons for unequal diagnosis and treatment of preventable blood clots. A blood clot prevention checklist was created to disrupt this bias, both by dissagregating decisions as well as reducing intervention of human judgement.

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  • A Bipartisan Reason to Save Obamacare

    The Affordable Care Act has been one of the most contentious policies in recent history, with widespread disagreement between political parties. While it is typically viewed as a partisan issue, this article recognizes benefits that defy party lines, mainly in regards to the Act's attempts to increase innovation across the US Medical Industry, facilitating a value-based care model.

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  • This country has only 10 psychiatrists. That's where 'professional grandmothers' come in.

    In Zimbabwe, a country of 15 million people, there are only around 10 psychiatrists. The Friendship Bench Project trained local older women in problem-solving therapy to be community health care workers. By increasing access to this service of listening and personal advising, the “grandmothers” are defusing the depression in individuals who visit with them on a Friendship Bench.

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  • As opioid-related deaths continue to rise, should more doctors practice medication-assisted treatment in primary care?

    As the US attempts to recover and learn from an opioid epidemic, often rehab or detox are the only solutions discussed when research says medication-assisted treatment is by far the most effective. Henry J. Austin Health Center in Trenton is the only facility in the county that provides medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in a primary care setting.

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  • Malawi: Combating maternal deaths with innovations

    Women in Malawi face numerous challenges in reproductive health, especially HIV-positive mothers, and maternal deaths are still rampant in rural areas of the country. Technology is helping change the landscape of maternal health, with devices such as cell phones being used to provide women in rural villages with vital health information, and drones delivering medications where the roads are too rough for emergency services to access quickly.

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  • Silver Linings: Medical residents make house calls for elders

    Emergency room visits cost money and are not the most comfortable places to be. The Massachusetts-based Medicare program called Independence at Home gives doctors incentives to visit frail patients at home and received a cut of the cost. The program also pairs patients with social workers and continues to save Medicare millions of dollars.

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  • Tuk Tuks and Two Tents Bring Health Services to Uganda's Slums

    Uganda has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in Africa, but a unique mobile health clinic is helping to reduce the rates of conception. Marie Stopes’ tuk tuks brings health care, sexual education and contraceptives to women in poor communities.

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