Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ontario is trying a wild experiment: Opening access to its residents' health data

    Project Spark is creating a platform for tech companies to request access to the health records of Ontario’s 14 million residents. One hundred companies have already expressed interest. The project is motivated by the idea that access to such real-life data could further the contribution of artificial intelligence to the medical field.

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  • Baylor-Uganda Leadership training improves healthcare outcomes

    Baylor-Uganda teamed up to create Caring Together, a training and mentorship program designed to improve health care in Uganda. The program rolled out across Uganda over three years, using tolls like peer-to-peer training to ensure the result was sustainable. Results include a significant reduction in staff late arrivals and greater patient satisfaction.

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  • How one rural California county went from the state's highest rate of opioid deaths — to zero

    Plumas County had one of the highest rates of opioid deaths in the state of California. So, 24 coalitions banded together and formed an umbrella group in order to address the problem. “Plumas County went from having the highest rate of overdoses in California to the lowest.”

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  • The Town Trying to Cure Loneliness

    To combat the growing epidemic of loneliness among senior citizens, Frome, England is utilizing a network of family physicians, community volunteers, and social clubs. The multi-pronged approach involves multiple referrals to connect senior citizens with activities that can ultimately positively impact their health, resulting in steep decline in the cost of emergency hospital admissions.

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  • Can Art Heal? How A Lagos Creative Group Is Using Art As Therapy

    The pediatric oncology ward at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital is using art therapy to help their patients heal emotionally from treatment. The Arts in Medicine Project utilizes several forms of artistic expression to help patients express their emotions.

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  • Since 2007, Peru has saved more than 350,000 kids from being stunted

    Peru formerly had one of the highest rates of stunting in South America, with chronic malnutrition affecting more than 1 in 4 children under five. Thanks to results-based budgeting and a government-wide commitment to fighting child poverty, the country has halved that rate, improving the long-term health and cognitive development of its youngest citizens.

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  • States require doctors to use prescription drug monitoring systems for patients

    Prescription drug mointoring programs provide a doctor with information about a patient’s prescriptions and—in some states—drug-related hospitalizations and arrests. With this tool, doctors are better able to identify drug-seeking behavior and intervene with at risk patients.

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  • The ‘Frequent Flier' Program That Grounded a Hospital's Soaring Costs

    Sharing data between health care centers and community social services lowers health care costs and increases access to vital assistance. A software platform developed by the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) allows social service organizations such as homeless shelters and food pantries to coordinate with the Parkland Memorial Hospital. By identifying patients who are frequently admitted to Parkland’s emergency room, PCCI’s shared Iris system helps agencies manage individual cases and makes more efficient use of limited healthcare resources.

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  • Opioid Crisis Forces Physicians To Focus On Alternative Pain Treatments

    Opioid abuse claimed over 53 000 American lives in 2016, and has been a cause for concern. Now doctors are looking to alternatives to opioids, both medication and non-medication options, that can be decided based on thorough assessments and discussing the consequences of opioids with patients.

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  • How Nigeria Defeated Ebola

    Nigeria contained its 2014 Ebola outbreak through rapid emergency response and compassionate care. In less than 10 weeks, health workers visited more than 147,000 people who may have had first or second degree contact with the index patient, tracking body temperatures and other health data while isolating themselves from their own families to prevent further exposure. Patients received psychosocial support, and a massive public awareness campaign encouraged public trust throughout the crisis.

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