Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How One Hospital Brought Its C-Section Rate Down In A Hurry

    Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, under pressure from the insurance network to lower maternity costs, used a number of tools to lower the rate of cesarean sections done. The changes not only helped drastically reduce costs, but created a better, safer birth outcomes for patients.

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  • Turning to Big, Big Data to See What Ails the World

    Public health, and large amounts of data behind it, is changing in today's world. The Global Burden of Disease Report, involving hundreds of scientists over the course of many years, aims to find out what makes humans sick and disabled.

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  • Company Thinks It Has Answer for Lower Health Costs: Customer Service

    The health care system in the United States is not only expensive, but also its social inequities and infrastructure fail to aid patients’ individual needs. Iora Primary Care in Seattle offers a monthly stipend for physicians as well as a financial bonus for how much money is saved on avoiding expensive care. Iora’s model of care also prides itself on health coaches, who offer support for dietary needs and day to day living necessities.

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  • Inviting Patients To Help Decide Their Own Treatment

    The Patient Support Corps at UC San Francisco Medical Center pairs interns with patients to provide support during visits. The program, which now acts as a model for other hospitals, encourages patients to speak up and offers them the information needed to make decisions about their care, rather than having the doctors make the decision for them.

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  • A Vermont-Made App That Could Save Kids' Lives

    Medical providers, tech experts and business professionals joined together to create in Vermont to create MEDSINC, a mobile app that helps people with no medical background to treat children with health risks. The "mobile intelligence software" provides a list of questions to help assess a child's health risks and, based on results, offers treatment suggestions. An early pilot shows, "the app's recommendations have corresponded to those of actual pediatricians 94 percent of the time."

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  • For V.A. Hospitals (and Patients), a Major Health Victory

    Although patients go to hospitals to receive medical care, many Americans will acquire infections that did not already have them. The United States as a whole has made modest progress at reducing the rates of hospital-acquired infections. Spearheading the efforts, the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers have devised anti-MRSA strategies to keep patients safe.

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  • Managed Care Plans Make Progress In Erasing Racial Disparities

    Management of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar improved nationwide, yet African-Americans still "substantially" trailed whites. The Kaiser’s clinic in California is closing this racial gap by creating registries of people with various conditions to identify those who are missing preventive care and or better management.

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  • Big Ideas in Social Change, 2014

    A overview of 2014's Fixes columns - connecting the dots between 60 or so ways that people are trying to change the world.

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  • Ebola: How Nigeria and Senegal stopped the disease ‘dead in its tracks'

    When the Ebola virus struck Nigeria and Senegal the governments of both countries took several steps to prevent an outbreak. Both countries responded to the first reported case quickly, traced all of the people that the patient had come into contact with prior to diagnosis and monitored them twice daily for signs of the virus. This public health campaign aimed to dispel fear and educate communities on prevention of Ebola.

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  • The Power, and Process, of a Simple Solution

    With the creation of oral rehydration solution, diarrhea can be treated by inexpensive, homemade remedies. O.R.S. has undeniably helped Bangladesh make big strides in improving child health in recent decades thanks to thoughtful, systemic implementation, and it is now distributed by UNICEF in more than 60 countries.

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