Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mentally ill man worse off after acquittal

    “Two million people with mental illness are booked into jails every year.” Mental health courts, would take into accounts a person’s illness, rather than solely focusing on the crime.

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  • A transformative practice in Mongolia is helping people die with grace and dignity

    Mongolia, under the influence of Dr. Odontuya Davaasuren, has become very advanced in its palliative care. Patients are given full information about their diagnosis, are provided with the proper pain medications, families are involved and guided and spiritual considerations are included creating a better system of care.

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  • Where Pregnancy Isn't A Death Sentence

    In the Nigeria state of Ondo the maternal mortality rate fell by 40 percent after the state unrolled the Abiye vanguard program. Over 400 health vanguard’s were hired to ensure that pregnant women delivered their babies in healthcare facilities, rather than with traditional birth attendants. “94.7 percent of deliveries today are now handled by skilled attendants, compared to 38 percent nationwide.”

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  • As the U.S. Wrests Greater Control Over HIV, What's the Key to Success?

    As HIV rates rise, various states within the United States are working to address underlying issues that contribute to this increase by improving surveillance methods. Based on the premise that better record-keeping will lead to better solutions, some cities are already seeing success in reducing rates because they’re better able to target specific populations and communities.

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  • What can the UK learn from Finland's approach to mental health?

    Finland’s Mental Health Hub is an online resource that provides tools to manage stress, depression, and substance dependency as well as therapy with a diagnosis. The resource has helped treat low acuity mental health issues by providing greater access without an increase in cost.

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  • Home Remedy

    End of life planning is a thorny issue, but a pre-hospice program in San Diego is working to address the tough conversations and place seniors in care for their final years. They found that by bringing care to patients in their homes, they save patients’ emergency hospital visits and save the system money. Medicare and insurance don't usually pay for in-home palliative care, but companies that work with the Affordable Care Act are using creative financing to offer quality care without added expense.

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  • What Hospitals Waste

    U.S. hospitals waste an estimated $765 billion every year (National Academy of Medicine), and a large portion of this is wasted in the form of discarded medical supplies. Usually, these supplies are still in their original packaging and aren't even close to expiring. An organization called Partners for World Health collects these supplies from hospitals near Portland, Maine and ships them to other countries and medical clinics in need.

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  • The California Doctors Who Found a Way to Quit Overprescribing Opioids

    In 2009 Kaiser Permanente doctors, alarmed by the rising rate of opioids being prescribed to patients, decided to develop a set of strategies and lower painkiller prescriptions. The most difficult one, is talking to patients about the dangers of opiods. He “developed what he calls The Difficult Pain Conversation—and he presented his approach to many other doctors.” So far, its had an effect. Prescriptions dropped from “from 2,500 a month to almost zero.”

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  • A Cure for High Health Care Costs

    While American medicine tops the charts for "acute care," it's notably sub-par when it comes to treating chronic conditions and focusing on prevention. This piece introduces a series on how the U.S. healthcare system's structure results in high expenses and inefficient treatments, and what various programs around the nation are doing to improve quality of care at lower costs.

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  • How an obscure Obamacare provision is quietly saving lives, and money, in Missouri

    Crider Health Center was having trouble coordinating the communication between psychiatry and primary care physicians. In 2012, under the Affordable Care Act, Crider and dozens of other mental health centers in the state of Missouri, received federal funds to pilot “integrated care” for Medicaid recipients as part of the new public policy. The funds have enabled social service agencies to work together with hospitals and mental health centers so that patients receive cost-saving, comprehensive care.

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