Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Trabajadores comunitarios persuaden a inmigrantes mayores de tener cobertura de salud

    Después de la amplificación del programa de Medicaid en California, algunos condados han contratado a un pequeño ejército de trabajadores comunitarios multilingües y educadores de salud para inscribir a tantos adultos mayores inmigrantes como sea posible. Estos trabajadores visitan centros para personas mayores, iglesias, clases de inglés, oficinas de inmigración, mercados y eventos comunitarios, con la esperanza de encontrar a personas que no estén enteradas de su nueva elegibilidad.

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  • A familiar setting for older adults, and respite – for those who care for them

    PACE — Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly — provides free, necessary care to seniors, as well as resources like medicines and other accommodations. PACE also provides a health clinic, urgent care center, home services and offers respite to caregivers in need of a break. Nationwide, there are 273 PACE programs in 32 states. Michigan alone has seven, with two more to be added within the next year or so.

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  • The search for immigrant seniors eligible for Medi-Cal

    Medi-Cal is a Medicaid program for low-income residents regardless of their immigration status. As of October 2022, more than 300,000 older immigrant adults without legal residency enrolled in Medi-Cal, which was more than the state’s original projection. To continue expanding Medi-Cal’s reach, community health workers and educators are visiting senior centers, churches, markets and community events to encounter people who may not be aware of their eligibility in the program.

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  • Mapping for Better Coverage: How GIS Microplanning is Revolutionising Immunisation Campaigns in Kano State

    Geospatial Information Systems technology (GIS) maps out locations in need of vaccines, as well as how many people are vaccinated in each area. This method has increased vaccination rates for conditions like polio and has also allowed vaccination teams to update their practices instead of continuing to use paper maps.

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  • On its own: how local organizations piece together search and rescue operations along Alaska's Arctic coastline

    Search and rescue teams in Utqiaġvik and North Slope Borough, Alaska, work together with the coast guard to run rescue operations that budgetary and training restrictions would not allow them to do alone.

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  • Reimagining Schoolyards to Improve Health and Learning

    Green Schoolyards America is launching the California Schoolyard Forest System in partnership with the California Department of Education and other area groups to develop schoolyard forests at K-12 schools to provide shade for students as temperatures continue to rise. Planting more trees on campuses can help protect children from heat-related health issues and promote more physical activity during recess.

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  • Caregiving and mental health: 'Overload in every sense of the word'

    The Resilient Caregiver’s Lifeline is a self-paced online support program that helps educate caregivers on important information to know when taking care of a loved one, such as how to manage end-of-life directives, advocate for care, sell homes and downsize property. The program also includes weekly group sessions where caregivers can interact with others around the world, sharing support and insights. Since launching two years ago, the lifeline has helped more than 300 caregivers.

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  • These perks and benefits are critical to keeping paid caregivers healthy

    To prevent burnout and increase employee retention, Ascension Hospitals offers its employees resources like online and in-person therapy, crisis hotlines, incentive pay for holidays and extra hours, mental health check-ins and even tuition reimbursement. These measures help employees feel appreciated and when employees feel taken care of they’re less likely to quit their jobs or leave the caregiving profession altogether.

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  • A familiar setting for older adults, and respite for those who care for them

    Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provides care to elders including adult day care, home health care and supplies like bed rails, eyeglasses and access to medications, while simultaneously providing respite to family caregivers. Studies show PACE program participants have lower rates of hospital use and shorter lengths of stay compared to those participating in other programs or opting for general nursing home care. The PACE centers in Metro Detroit serve 1,600 adults across its seven centers. Statewide, there are 14 active PACE programs across 24 centers.

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  • With Three Core Approaches, This Nonprofit is Giving Hope of Life to Children Battling Deadly Cancer in Nigeria

    The Okapi Cancer Foundation works to raise funds to support children diagnosed with cancer. On top of providing financial support for treatments, the organization also does advocacy work and childhood cancer awareness campaigns and also hosts yearly training for doctors providing cancer treatment to children. So far the organization has supported over 200 patients.

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