Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Speaking their language: How NOLA advocates connected Spanish speakers to healthcare during the pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused many healthcare practice to move to a virtual space, but for Spanish-speaking communities, telehealth wasn't a solution on its own. In New Orleans, interpreters, doctors, and patients are working together to coordinate care at one clinic, while another clinic has used personalized text messages in Spanish to stay in communicaiton with patients.

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  • Hanging on: Covid gave Louisiana's addiction patients life-saving drug treatment by phone

    When the coronavirus pandemic caused organizations and businesses to shut their doors, some medical practices, such as facilities that treat addiction, found relief by moving to telehealth services. In Lousiana, "emergency changes to federal and state telehealth regulations" allowed patients to seek therapy and other services via telephone and video, which helped them avoid exposure to the virus, yet still access the care they needed.

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  • Promoting health — and trust

    Promotoras de salud is a term that describe lay Latina community members who have been trained to provide health education to community members, and it's a concept that has helped eliminate barriers and improve health outcomes in Montana. Now, as the coronavirus pandemic spreads throughout the state, these part-time community health workers are helping their communities navigate the barriers to navigating the complex health care system.

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  • Terapie z obýváku: Řešení v době, kdy úzkostí přibývá

    Psychologové a terapeuti museli v průběhu koronavirové pandemie omezit či zcela přerušit své služby. Část z nich se proto přesunula do online prostoru nebo zavedla krizové linky, aby svým klientům v případě potřeby nabídla alternativu. Terapie na dálku umožnila flexibilnější a bezpečné setkávání se s terapeutem i v době nepříznivé epidemiologické situace. U řady lidí pomohla překonat pocit stigmatu, kterému čelí, když jdou na terapii osobně. Přes řadu nesporných pozitiv zůstává celá aspektů nové služby nedořešena. V době covidu službu hradily zdravotní pojišťovny, ale šlo jen o dočasné řešení.

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  • Calls to action: How 211 became an instant link to health and social services during the pandemic

    In Louisiana, where many communities face barriers to health care access, the implementation of a 211 hotline during the coronavirus pandemic has helped residents access the information they need to make informed decisions. The system has received hundreds of thousands of calls and because of this, the live specialists have also been able to collect meaningful data that helps the state to assess where there are areas of unmet needs.

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  • Acesso à saúde mental na Maré: luta que vem de dentro

    A reportagem mostra a existência de projetos com voluntários para oferecer tratamentos de saúde mental no complexo de favelas da Maré, no Rio de Janeiro. A iniciativa já foi replicada no Alemão e na Rocinha, outros grandes complexos de favelas do Rio de Janeiro.

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  • San Francisco Doula Program Tackles Birth Equity and Economic Justice in One Fell Swoop

    A doula program in San Francisco is helping to create jobs and build equity in maternal health, especially for Black mothers. Training is free for the client as well as for the doulas, with trainees also receiving mentorship and full benefits. To date, the organization has raised nearly $1 million for operational expenses from a variety of channels including "foundations, a city-managed health plan, and revenue from a local sugary drinks tax."

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  • Doctor Offices In Wisconsin Step In To Help Register Voters

    VotERdoctors partners with doctors, clinics, community centers, and hospitals to register voters. Staff can wear badges with a QR code that patients can scan with their cellphone, which takes them to a webpage that offers information about how to register to vote, including a live help line if the patient gets stuck. Some facilities, such as Progressive Community Health Centers in Milwaukee, send monthly text messages to their patients to remind them to register. VotER is being used by more than 300 U.S. hospitals and about 40,000 patients have gotten help registering or requesting ballots.

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  • Hanover paramedics make house calls to test resident for coronavirus

    In Hanover, two collaborative efforts – one between the hospital system and the town and another between the public school district and paramedics – have helped residents access coronavirus testing without leaving their homes. Although test results aren't delivered immediately, the partnerships have still helped over 1,200 people get tested and are available to all town residents.

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  • Minnesota has figured out a way to help stressed farmers. Can it be replicated?

    The Rural Mental Health Outreach program in Minnesota is helping farmers in the region to tackle mental health challenges that are related to the stresses involved in their profession. Other states have taken notice of the program's success and are now piloting similar programs as a means of addressing a rising concern of suicide within the farming industry.

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