Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Navajo community health reps play key role in contact tracing

    The Community Health Representative Program has been helping connect the Navajo Nation with health-care resources for decades, but when the Covid-19 pandemic began to impact community members, the role of the representatives shifted. By "using their knowledge of the community in a different way," the representatives have largely become contact tracers, a role they are uniquely suited for given their understanding of the importance of cultural competency and their longevity in the community.

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  • La sécu solidaire des mamans sans-papiers

    En Belgique, des mamans sans titre de séjour légal ont mis en place une sécu solidaire pour combler certaines lacunes de l’aide médicale urgente (AMU), la seule aide sociale de l’Etat accordée à toutes les personnes indigentes et sans titre de séjour. Alimentée par des citoyens solidaires et les femmes elles-mêmes, elle permet de payer différents frais (juridiques, de déplacement, alimentaires, de santé...)

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  • Volunteers Bring Coronavirus Testing To Dallas' Southern Sector: 'It's Our Civic And Moral Responsibility'

    To increase COVID-19 testing in one Dallas neighborhood, community leaders, healthcare professionals, and a local church have joined together to implement a testing site directly in the community. Offering 250 free tests per day, the makeshift clinic helps to address the need of community members who may not feel comfortable going to a medical institution that they do not trust.

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  • Qué es el plasma convaleciente que Costa Rica ya aplica para pacientes críticos de covid-19

    El artículo explica cómo funciona la plasmaféresis para el tratamiento de pacientes con COVID-19, desde un punto de vista científico e inmunológico, y por qué podría ayudar a la recuperación de pacientes críticos. Este tratamiento ya ha ayudado a pacientes en Austria, Reino Unido y Chile.

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  • Philly boosts coronavirus testing access for city residents who need it most

    Philadelphia's local government and health care providers are working to improve access to health care and coronavirus testing in minority and low-income neighborhoods. While a testing center is the newest addition to their efforts, local health care centers have been and will remain a crucial resource for residents to access telehealth services and information.

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  • How Lagos State is tackling the challenge of alternative birth methods

    Nigeria’s annual maternal death count has been associated with non-traditional birthing methods, which has led local officials in Lagos State to explore ways to improve the quality of the primary health care delivery system. Although many challenges have yet to be overcome, some success has been shown through governmental efforts to enhance facilities across the state and offering more regular trainings for medicine practitioners.

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  • Tribe aims to improve dental health by bringing smiles to the dental visit

    The San Carlos Apache tribe in Arizona has been able to increase dental healthcare access for children through targeted outreach and an educational marketing campaign. The goal of the multifaceted approach is to address fears, both on the part of the child and parents, through education about going to the dentist. The result has been a significant uptick in the number of children's dentistry appointments and caregivers reporting that their children are no longer afraid.

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  • Au Japon, le secteur des soins de santé protège la qualité de vie des personnes âgées jusqu'à leur dernière heure

    Dans cette ville vieillissante de la banlieue de Tokyo, des dizaines de gestionnaires veillent au bien-être et à la santé des personnes âgées.

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  • El último atardecer en Japón, el sector de los cuidados que protege la calidad de vida de la población más mayor

    En Japón, en donde el 30% de la población pertenece a la tercera edad, el cambio de la tradición de cuidar a los familiares a la del cuidado asistencial es cada vez más rápido. Es por esto que el envejecimieno se ha convertido en una prioridad política, con un sistema de cuidados financiado por copagos, según la pensión del adulto mayor y con un combinado de impuestos nacionales y municipales, para garantizar el máximo respeto a la persona que requiere de esos cuidados.

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  • Japan's care sector protects quality of life for the country's elderly population

    Japan's model of prioritizing societal care for their elderly has helped the country achieve the highest life expectancy and be named the healthiest population in the world. Now amid the coronavirus pandemic, the country's senior citizen-focused policies and health care system are showing success in keeping the number of cases and deaths low in aging populations.

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