Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • More patients have seen doctors virtually during the pandemic — and that might not change

    To allow patients to still see their doctors during the coronavirus pandemic, insurance providers have eliminated some of the barriers for providers to be reimbursed for telehealth appointments. This change in policy has helped doctors in Maine grow their telehealth practices in ways that may outlast the pandemic.

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  • ¿Cómo la telemedicina ayuda a los latinos a seguir recibiendo atención médica a pesar del COVID-19?

    Debido al COVID-19, alrededor de 100 pacientes semanales en Raleigh, Carolina del Norte, acceden a servicios de telemedicina, es decir, reciben consulta medica virtual gracias a los servicios expandidos de clínicas comunitarias. Anteriormente, la telemedicina no era un servicio de alto uso en la comunidad Latina, porque no se veía como un servicio equivalente a una consulta en persona. Hoy, varias clínicas están reportando un continuo aumento en el numero de pacientes hispanos.

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  • Just a click away: Apps bring doctors to your home

    Since 2015, telemedicine has been helping connect doctors with people in rural parts of Kenya, which has proven to be crucial during the coronavirus pandemic. Although not all insurance companies have made the process easy and some residents don't trust the use of technology to keep their data safe, the practice has seen a significant increase in people with chronic diseases utilizing the system as a means of limiting their exposure to situations where they could be exposed to the virus.

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  • How Detroit Gets People Around During a Pandemic

    The city of Detroit’s government spearheaded new partnerships at the start of the coronavirus pandemic to provide transit options for people living in city shelters and residents who don’t have cars to access COVID-19 testing. These partnerships among government departments allowed for transporting those experiencing homelessness to designated emergency shelters and hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus among shelter residents. Government officials anticipated as many as 450 shelter residents would contract the virus, but so far, only 154 people have tested positive with no deaths reported.

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  • Sanar en la distancia

    Tres iniciativas digitales de "telemedicina" han brindado atención médica gratuita a más de 70,000 venezolanos durante la crisis de COVID-19, en un país donde el 70% de los hospitales reciben servicio de agua solo dos veces por semana, y donde el 96% de la población informa que tiene problemas con el servicio de agua. El artículo explora cómo funcionan como una solución digital en medio de la pandemia.

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  • Armas de Costa Rica ante el coronavirus: confinamiento oportuno, disciplina ciudadana y Ebáis

    Costa Rica ha demostrado un manejo ejemplar de la pandemia: menos de 900 casos, más del 65% se recuperaron y solo 10 fallecieron (1,1%). Un sistema de salud centralizado y universal, más de 1,000 clínicas satélites coordinadas dentro del sistema de salud, las acciones tempranas y la disciplina de los habitantes han sido clave. Este reportaje incluye todas las medidas y las explica.

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  • Solutions to restore inmates' mental health and get them to trial

    In Texas, legislators and advocates are working to address mental health concerns for individuals entering or in the criminal justice system. For those already in jail, telepsychiatry is being offered to help rehabilitate inmates. For those just entering the system, a mental health court in Travis County has been developed to connect people with needed mental health services so that they can stand trial and even have their cases dismissed.

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  • Locked In Limbo: Jail-based Competency Restoration

    Experts, advocates, and lawmakers are working within the Texas prison system to help individuals experiencing incarceration access mental health care. A promising practice has been the use of telepsychiatry, or virtual therapy, which has seen a nearly 50% success rate. While efforts are being made, it’s being done in pieces and without scaled, statewide support.

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  • The doctor is online: Telehealth may become big part of new normal

    The move to telemedicine was made necessary due to the coronavirus outbreak, but in Vermont, many health clinics are planning to continue incorporating the practice even after the pandemic dissipates. Although there are limitations to telehealth such as connectivity issues, many health care providers in the state are reporting that the elimination of barriers for their patients are still significant successes.

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  • Outpatient Competency Restoration

    In Texas’ Travis County, a mental health court is helping divert people out of the criminal justice system and into treatment and outpatient programs. The collaborative process gives individuals the opportunity for rehabilitation, and upon completion, the chance to have their case dismissed. This approach has seen a 42% success rate, showing a decrease in recidivism and increased connection to treatment facilities.

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